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By twf1
First of all, I'm using translator, so an apology if your eyes bleed.
I have both the game and the launcher installed on an external drive.
I want to put mods and cc but for some reason it doesn't recognize the folder that stores the mods and that goes in the documents folder of the computer.
Is it because of a launcher setting that doesn't allow extra content to be used? Am I doing it wrong?
!! I already tried to simulate the full path of the Electronic Arts folder on my disk, from root, but there is no way.
!! Obviously the game does not recognize the mods folder that is on my computer.
Any help?
By AntonChigurh
Hi, i just installed ZClient - ZLOrigin and login successfully but i get this error
i think i do every step right, i test with disabling antivirus,
the ZLOrigin itself i opened and it's run well, i don't have origin itself
I have windows 11
I will try to do some other things
By yousfsfwat14
my problem is.. everytime i join for a server for the first time it works normaly without any problems,but the problem comes when i shut down the launcher.
when i try to join a server again or even by clicking 'Run game' in ZClient it shows the error 'Unknown exe file'.
i`ve tried to join through the servers list in 'zloemu.net', same problem.
but i got a solution(not real Solution).
reinstalling the game will make it work,but you will still face this problem after exiting from your first match or even after restarting your pc.
i dont know why this happining and how to fix that bcz i didnt like this solution as its soo annoying that u have to reinstall the game everytime to just play multiplayer(yeah u can play offline but not through the launcher).
i dont know if this an individual problem, but i dont think so
as i saw another guys facing this problem but never find the answer.
so if any one could help please reply.
By Pinkballoon
Hi I keep receiving this error. When I try to download the sims 4, it gets stuck on preparing download stage and this error shows up after awhile.
By brothr
Привет, админ, меня зовут сокем. Я ценю то, что вы делаете, чтобы дать нам лучший игровой опыт, контролируя плохих игроков. Я был забанен год назад в этот день. Я совершил ошибку, поскольку я человек, и я хочу, чтобы вы поняли, сколько я переиграл и заплатил за свой грех. Моя дата разбана была сегодня нас вы можете видеть на снимке экрана, но он все еще говорит мне, что я забанен Что мне делать? Hello admin, my name is sokem I appreciate what you are doing to give us best gaming experience by controlling bad gamers I, I was banned one year a go at this day.
I made a mistake as I am a human and I wish you understand how much I regrate and I payed for my sin
My unban date was today us you can see in the screen shot but it still tell me I am ban
What should I do?
By Menphis
Hello I recently watched this video and would like to use this program to take my own screenshots and record some cinematics for my videos.
video: https://youtu.be/9YFnxoDhHHQ
Look for information in the forum in case someone already asked this question and I only found a comment from someone who mentions this program
comment: https://zlogames.ru/index.php?/topic/5851/&page=2&tab=comments#comment-57448
I have my own server on which I can use it if allowed (I don't really know how it works yet, I haven't downloaded it yet)
By catace08
Hello! I tried to run ZLOrigin with ZClient but it said "Can't run ZLOrigin2" and then "06000508 00000000". there´s a screenshot about it.
I uninstalled and reinstalled ZLOrigin again but it still doesn´t work. I don´t know what else can i do
By vaprub
Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста почему может не запускаться установка Crysis:Remastered.
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