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About FapLxrd

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  • Birthday 01/31/1992


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  1. To be honest i'm not encouraging this kind of behaviours, but i don't think this is something should be reported as something against rules, i mean maybe this guy is having fun playing this way, like for others who plays only jet or vehicules; you could give him a warning, or implement the rule to the server, though it doesn't deserve a ban. no hard feelings, just my opinion.
  2. Server Settings: Ticket factor : 250% ; Server Location: Algeria ; Number of slots: 64 ; Limitations in the game: maximum ping 250-350 ; Preset: Custom ; Game Modes: TDM, Conquest, Rush, Assault Anti-cheat: ADKats Moderation ; Admins: Fap_Lxrd, MaddGirl VIP: ARCHXR ProCon Plugins: AdKats: Anti-cheat monitoring, auto-nuke. ProconStats: For player(s) stats: !stats !serverstats !session !top10 !dogtags Voteban and Votekick: Teams for players: 1) Voteban - open voting for a
  3. i have fixed the problem after re-downloading the server files, i think my anti-virus messed with it. and as for the ping issue, i got new router which have the ICMP feauture enabled, my old router didn't have it or didn't know how to make it work. anyways everything is working like a charm. thank you all for assistance.
  4. I think it works now, i re-downloaded the server files it fixed it, no idea what caused that, but as for the ping, still same issue.
  5. it is configured like this, the problem i'am facing 'well for me" if i put it ranked; it'll asks for at least 4 players; disabling ranked it solve it, but stats won't work. i really have no idea what i'am missing.
  6. yes, i'am already aware of that, but in game it asks for at least 4 players to start a round, i've checked other empty servers, they works fine without the needs of 4 players!! and i yes i edited the line on the Win32Game.cfg (--Game.DisablePreRound true) yet same result, always 4 players needed to start a round.
  7. i'am aware of that, but other players as well ping is shown as 0 or as -
  8. Hello people, so i have created my own server (local) everything works fine except the ping and stats, for the stats they work only if i set vars.ranked true, on false it won't work; and for the ping i tried everything (disabling firewall, creating a rule for ping echo, tried different ports as well) can someone tell me what i'am missing ? i mean i'am clearly doing something wrong,
  9. yeh, for me i know it'll be 0 or - but other players as well, on the other hand stats and ranks not showing up!
  10. Hello y'all; so i just hosted a server, everything is working fine except the ping and rank + stats not showing up, tried everything i could, reinstalling/ trying different ports, and yes the ping echo i activate it as well, disabled the firewall both on windows and on my router, same result! Am i missing something ?
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