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About exemaco

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  • ZLOEmu

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  1. exemaco

    New games

    Have you tried doing it on xbox 360? They say it's easier than on PS3.
  2. exemaco

    New games

    Any news about bf3 on ps3? is anyone still investigating or working?
  3. exemaco

    New games

    It would be a miracle if they could revive the servers on PS3.
  4. exemaco

    New games

    There must be a way, otherwise they wouldn't be able to revive the GTA V servers, unfortunately I can't help you much.
  5. exemaco

    New games

    What happens if you replace all psn connections on bf3 with ZLOEmu.
  6. exemaco

    New games

    It's a good start but I think we need help from a PS3 expert.
  7. exemaco

    New games

    Ok guys, i just set up a BF3 server, I'll be playing on PC until there's news for PS3.
  8. exemaco

    New games

    ok, so the possible solution is to download the BF3.pkg, edit the master server url and replace it with zloemu, the game will continue to use the PSN account to connect to the servers. This may be of some use https://www.psx-place.com/threads/im-looking-for-a-pkg-editor.41227/#post-372617
  9. exemaco

    New games

    I've been looking for more information, I saw that the PS3 community revived many online games just by editing the PS3 DNS Configuration, do you think that in BF3 editing the master server connection would be enough?
  10. exemaco

    New games

    Waiting for the servers to return!
  11. exemaco

    New games

    PS3 has twice as many BF3 players as PC, 90% of PS3 users have their console with CFW/HEN, you just need to make an FIX installable .pkg for them to download and install. I think it is feasible to create a bypass for bf3 to skip the PSN connection and connect to the ZLOEmu database.
  12. exemaco

    New games

    PSN is still working normally with CFW, it seems the game uses the PSN account to connect to the bf3 server, I remember they managed to revive the GTA V servers after the official servers were shut down so I think it might work on BF3 too. My questions: Will PC bf3 server files work on PS3? BF3 on PS3 only supports 24 players. BTW; BF3 is also dead on Xbox 360, it is only possible to play it on Xbox One/Series with backwards compatibility mode.
  13. exemaco

    New games

    Ok, it would be good if you get a PS3 that supports CFW, I don't think it will take you long to adapt and understand how it works. Actually modding games on ps3 with CFW isn't very difficult. There is a forum with a lot of information that can help you https://www.psx-place.com/forums/
  14. exemaco

    New games

    If you manage to make a ZClient port for PS3, I'm sure your community will become totally famous and successful.
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