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Found 23 results

  1. In this topic, you can add video montages that you like and crazy moments in the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXfnQghJ5lA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzfErvendNA
  2. Buenas a todos, los invito a jugar en el nuevo servidor de Battlefield 4, sos todos los latinos y cualquier otro bienvenidos a jugar en nuestro servidor.
  3. В конце установки вылезает окно с ошибкой
  4. Hosting servers for everyone to have fun and enjoy unlocking assignments. Current games we have spread and help people get what they want: Battlefield 3 Battlefield 4 Battlefield 4 TDM & DOM Battlefield 4 Exclusive Battlefield Hardline Features: Battlefield 3 - 2XP, No Borders, Disabled Pre-Round, Best Pla
  5. Hey admins, I am new to forums and been playing Battlefield 4 for quite a while now. Since this is quarantine period and I have nothing to do all day, i was planning to unlock special camo and assignments in BF 4. I really want to unlock Battlefield 4 Dice LA camo and also complete phantom assignments. My questions are: 1) How can i make my own private Dragon Valley server for the Dice LA camo? is it possible in zlo battlefield? 2) Is there a way to unlock phantom assignments? As what i have seen in videos, you need battlelog for that so if it's possible in zlo Battlefield, I would r
  6. Hi, Me and my friend both want to play at the same time, from separate accounts and from separate computers. But we have a single internet connection. Will we be able to play together simultaneously? Without getting banned for reason: Multiple Account ?
  7. Dear admin, hope you're doing well. i wanted to bring this into your notice that i think i got blocked on the game Battlefield 4, server PYCCKUU CEPBEP - METRO and LOCKER only. i dont remember the date or why it happened. i stopped playing a year back, now when i came back yesterday i was able to play in all the other servers except for this one. to tell you my love for battlefield 4 lies in these two maps and im not able to play them. hope you understand what i am going through. as i can easily join the other servers i wish to be the same with this one as well. as i would again love
  8. Уже видел несколько игроков с АСВ-90, когда спрашивал, где его взять, говорили, что он выпадает из набора ветерана. Когда спрашивал, как получить этот набор, говорили, что надо иметь три игры БФ на акке (некоторые говорили, что набор даётся на 100 уровне). В злориджине, конечно, игр дофига, уровень 121 - набора ветерана так и нет... Я что-то упустил?
  9. Hi! I am newer in the community of BF4, today i install BF4 ZLO, doing all the steps, but when i join in game i play 1min and PunkBuster kick me :(. I need help, i need to play this game! Thanks
  10. Hello Guys , First of all i want to thank zlo Admins and mods for their great efforts of making such games for us . I have an inquiry : could ZLO reset my Stats without making another account because ( multi Accounts=BAN ) I would be grateful Actually i want to start over again with rank one ( its just more fun ) My ACC name ([email protected]) Sincerely
  11. 1. Hulukontol 2. Invisible, невидимость 3. NRNS-GAMES.COM EU1 Может баг какой то, но постоянно играл именно снайпером и бегал по карте с C4. Так же есть коммент в чате от другого игрока, которого он убил так Скачать видео
  12. Зашёл на на сервер "Панды", полетел на верте и увидел вражеский с админом в нём верт. Начал наводится, а ветолёт выпустил помехи полетел в сторону базы, там я его и убил, после чего админ меня убил через команду за бэзрейп Скачать видео Скачать видео
  13. Имя: dfyzp3331 Название чита: Аим, увеличенная скорострельность Сервер: Русский сервер метро/операция "взаперти" Доказательство: Сервер не лагал, задержек не было
  14. Wie downloade/installiere ich ZLOrigin? Download Link von ZLOrigin: ZLOrigin Download **Installationsanweisung** Lade das offizielle Origin runter: Offizielles Origin Download Installiere das originale Origin Beende Origin, falls gestartet Entpacke das Archiv und installiere ZLOrigin Öffne den ZLOrigin Ordner & starte den ZClient (Falls nicht vorhanden, hier downloaden) Nach Starten des ZClients befindet sich das "Z" Symbol im Infobereich. Klicke darauf zum öffnen. Melde dich mit deiner E-Mail und Passwort an (Natürlich von http://zloemu
  15. [BATTLEFIELD 4] ZLO - Cómo crear un servidor ::Paso 1:: "Descarga de archivos necesarios para hostear un servidor en BF4-ZLO" Lo primero que debes hacer es descargar los siguientes archivos: BF4-ZLOserver (R58-179171-Binaries): Original Link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/275913825243627520/277006045161717760/BF4_Server_R58_179171_Zloemu.zip_zlotracker.org.torrent MEGA: https://mega.nz/#!ktlThQTB!qF737U-WC7oEh2-NWRPwF6Z0a-W_phc993fOSAvLOXc Zserver: http://zloemu.org/files/ZServer.exe ""Recuerda u
  16. День добрый! Есть такой пользователь "Fargo9", так вот сегодня на карте "Flood zone", я на верте подлетел к нему, но неожиданно он выпустил две похожие по принципу действия пассивного радара ракеты, НО у них его на вооружение не стояло, отсюда и вопрос: как можно пускать такие ракеты, которые у тебя даже не установлены!?
  17. So you have a emblem that you want to add to your Zloemu account but you cant add it because of the requirements? Well i have found a tool (http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php) that you can use to convert to emblem 1. Download Photo-to-emblem converter.7z and unzip it anywhere on pc. 2. Put inside that folder your picture. 3. Run convert.bat. 4. Input picture filename and press enter. 5. Done, it will be named emblem_ready.png ,now you can upload as your own emblem. 6. Goto https://bf4.zloemu.net/emblem and upload it. 7. Enjoy.
  18. I have made a new launcher for Zlo Battlefield 4. But when I click create topic, most of the options are gray color and I can't select anything. Please help.
  19. I wanted to remove ZLOrigin and restore Origin to play some games there, but I wasn't sure if BF4 will still work after removing ZLOrigin.
  20. ¡Hola a todos! Quiero presentarles un tutorial de cómo instalar y jugar a Battlefield 4 versión de ZLO. ::Lo primero que debemos hacer es descargar los siguientes archivos:: Puedes descargar el ZLOrigin o el Origin, En mi opinión te recomiendo descargar el ZLOrigin. - Descargar el ZLOrigin a través del siguiente enlace: https://yadi.sk/d/sH0EmFvPx64k4 - Descargar el Origin (EA) a través del siguiente enlace: https://www.origin.com/rus/en-us/store/download ¿Qué diferencia hay entre el ZLOrigin y el Origin (EA)? La diferencia que
  21. • Download and Install "ZloOrigin" • Download link (ZloOrigin Download) • 1 • Download the official Origin (Official Origin Download) • 2 • Install, but do not run (or get out of Origin) • 3 • Download, unzip and install ZloOrigin • 4 • Run ZClient (After starting the program runs to tray - near the clock) Login with your email and password from http://zloemu.net click connect and wait to update and log us into system 4.1 ZClient - Zclient Download! • 5 • Start ZloOrigin , after start he should log in and immediately open. • 6 • Downloading
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