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Everything posted by DodeMan

  1. 1. MrFake (Lvl 1, Ping 49) 2. Aim 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4.
  2. and, why is that exactly? i'm curious as to why you think Panda's become a bad server.
  3. 0:06 looks like an aimbot. kills with the pistol when he had no clear vision of targets could be luck. All in all, i'm not sure.
  4. you give these kids money for Christmas, they buy cheats. I love it.
  5. 1. Dave_Crawford (Lvl 51, Ping 42) 2. Aimbot 3. Panda 4.
  6. 1. THAIHOMe (Lvl 3, Ping 208) 2. Aimbot 3. Panda 4.
  7. + definitely an aimbot. no one can quick-scope and aim that fast, and get headshots like that.
  8. loool why would i tryhard if the map was all ours? i'd do what's fun :P would you rather have me be a sniper and snipe the spawning soldiers? or just drive my lav into the enemy base and run over people? hhhhhhhhh
  9. do you mean, i camp when you and 300 000 hours into the game friends in jets try to dominate the air and ground? hell, yeah. i'll camp and try to stay safe
  10. i, once again, remind you of your "tow simulator" video in which you were camping your base the whole time. in a chopper, none other hhhhh and, do you remember when you first started out in this game and found an easy way to kill people? yeah, that' s what i was doing. in a lav, you only push if you're protected by a tank. i didn't have a tank to push with me, so i cam] A and B or D and E if i'm playing on the other side. i don't need to be a noob, push, and die just so people can be happy and not call me a camper.
  11. dude, the way i hit tows. i guide them then swerve the mouse entirely to the leftmost or rightmost. i really don't remember this kill. i don't even remember the kill feed of it. was it right at the end of the game? it was Shanghai btw and i was in my lav between A and B. you can sometimes hit targets behind buildings that way.
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