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Everything posted by Wiz

  1. POCTOB admins only care when they lose, like @ RAFA or if you baserape like NoobPovSpec_S @ RajastanMatu
  2. Typical Al_Capone - everyone who kills him is cheating, and he likes to abuse connections with server admins You are not the first one and won't be the last one =)
  3. 2nd video is norecoil, I am 95% sure about it End of first video as well, maybe spec bug makes high recoil of lmgs look even higher, but I see zero correction from his end at all, so I am inclined to believe he is norecoiling
  4. не вижу читов (c) NoobpovSpec_S
  5. kavkaz just cant stop reporting
  6. Wiz

    KHAN-BABY Appeal

    Maybe it's possible for someone with the techincal know-how to implement it directly into zserver? And at the same time - what about even implementing crash fixes via zserver?
  7. Wiz

    KHAN-BABY Appeal

    What about crasher cheats? I have a feeling those might be in use as well =)
  8. Wiz

    KHAN-BABY Appeal

    Or it should apply to rostov admins =)
  9. Lol, shut the fuck up, you cheated so obviously on the spectator video and your attempt to hide it was terrible When better players owned you - you always accused them of cheating, then you used cheats yourself. Lol.
  10. Wiz

    KHAN-BABY Appeal

    This is too funny right now Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
  11. First learn to install the game before you talk about KHAN

  12. BF3 doesn't have spectator mode, only BF4 and hardline
  13. I meant if he has the record for number of accs, as I remember rachid in bf3 had a similar number as well no?
  14. If he's still playing, someone should record spectator gameplay from his POV, because this video doesn't really show much, since this server runs 170% damage and it doesn't take much skill to get kills with snipers on 170% damage. 2:31 - I don't think this is suspicious. Because: the player in the video just runs in a straight line he saw the prone teammate which the player in the video spawned on he knows he has an angle on the second (prone) player without exposing himself to the first player I would pretty much play in the exact same way. What I find stra
  15. Ты троллишь чтоль?
  16. спектатор [mod], но все равно можно видеть аймботы если очевидны. А у этого чела P2KSX234LL78 ничего нет, он со своим пингом на спектаторе лагает, а не делает никаких дебильных фликов и не двигается как бот. И в этом разница...
  17. Ты охуел? Это не аймбот? asddasdasd.mp4
  18. А зачем нет? Если ему нравится троллить с аккаунтами, и это не запрещено, то пусть играет на своих аккаунтах...
  19. Dude, I can't teach you how to play the game, I explained why he did what he did and even told you what he would do if he was really cheating
  20. Пишу по англ, если что-то непонятно, могу попробовать переводить. To answer your question, it's a baserape. Which means, most (if not all) of the opponents will push from the US base (obviously). There are basically 3 main positions in this situation: which you can see this player watching constantly throughout the video (which you finally recorded normally). Because it's a baserape, it's not unrealistic to expect enemies coming from these positions, and although it might look like a wallhack to you, it really isn't, he's just quite fast (at least for Battlefield standards
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