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Everything posted by Wiz

  1. Possibly. He had been accused by someone else of "hack", then he hit some suspiciously accurate shots (headshot with rex, sniping me while i was moving with m98b, ...). I told Vvulf that I suspected aimbot, but he thought he was clean. Yuvaraj won the next encounter, then I encountered him again and he missed shots. Keep in mind the timespan was around 2 minutes here, so I doubt he would have turned off any cheat in that time.
  2. Played vs him earlier today with Vvulf. I suspected an aimbot, but cleared my suspicions as soon as I saw him miss shots in CQB. He is clean.
  3. I wholeheartedly support this idea. Noshahr tends to get boring after a few hundred hours. Maybe a mix TDM server in BF4 too? @THXI7
  4. Reference video by THXI7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGbR5vE5-sw Notes: o In clip 1 MADuHA fires a suppressed (!) SV98 and hits the player in the legs. This shouldn't be a 1 shot kill but it was. o In clip 2 MADuHA kills kratoz in 1 hit with the M9 handgun. The times in reference video are 23:55 and 27:50
  5. State_ClaimReservation 0 I doubt that your account has ID 0. Something must be wrong with your ZClient or so.
  6. No - if a later update is already installed - 4.5.2 is too. vcredist_arm can't be installed - that's for ARM processors.
  7. 0xc000007b... i think... do you by any chance have origin installed on computer? I mean EA origin and not ZLOrigin? also - try updating your .NET framework and installing c++ redistributables
  8. Come on now not all players are pro jet. I thought something similar when I was first learning jet and circle-jerking with a pro jet. Not to mention - speed above 400 is not possible in jet anyway, let alone 500! He is probably not cheating and we can see that - but there is no reason to point at OP and say "noob!" "noob!" "learn to play!"
  9. I'm not sure about this error. I think I got something similar too but it still worked. Try playing on a server anyway.
  10. For reasons that are hard to explain I'm unsure that he is cheating his speed. In a yes/no vote I vote no.
  11. Maybe but take a look at the bf3 playerbase. Official has 2k+ players still on while zlo has maybe 150-200 players. If banlist is liquidated maybe there is a chance to get many players back again.
  12. It's a good start but not polished yet... the problem with asking for money is that if you ask for more than 7 euros people will just go buy official... because BF3 + premium costs between 5-7 euros from g2a. But if you set it really low the cheaters will be able to cheat over and over. I suggest this: 1. 30-60d ban 2. First permaban, can be removed with a donation 3. Second permaban, cannot be removed
  13. Wiz

    who is this?

    Hi, this person in the image (someonebad84, similar name to franjo84) exhibits similar behaviour to the cheater superfranc/franjo84 who was banned a few months ago for one shot kill. Is there any way to check if they are the same person?
  14. yes, you need to activate your account on ZLO by spending one day (24 hours) ingame.
  15. just read the FAQs. They will explain everything you need.
  16. https://zloemu.net/faq?id=1 for zclient^ join ZLOgames discord for zloguilauncher https://zloemu.net/faq?id=3 for server^
  17. dude, that's the ancient zlo launcher before there was monolith. You need to get ZClient + ZLOGuiLauncher.
  18. Wiz


    Hiding behind names and lying is the best you can do D4RK_HUNt3R.... and I seriously doubt that you are 28 years old... I think you are 12 in reality Not to mention you are using the name “Himler”, similar to National-Socialist SS officer Heinrich Himmler. Some moderator should change it.
  19. what? i listen to russian music too, and i dont really speak russian! aimbot/oneshot 100%.
  20. Oh YEAH? Let me see your "PROOF".
  21. LOL its easy to burst an at that rate, here u go with handcam:
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