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Everything posted by Brendo

  1. Well, this is something new for me @ZLOFENIX
  2. 21-09-2019 17:55:32 Ima_li_nas (Tit0) BF3 Hack
  3. Servers has their own rules, follow the rules or cry later. No one care if some word it has different meaning in your language, there is only two languages you need to know Russian or English. You got banned and now trying to knead the names of other players and for what? Macro is only punished by server admins, they decide to allow or disallow it, go buy some expensive gaming mouse and use it. Go talk with server owner and admins. We can't help you.
  4. It's server ban not project ban. Banned: janige > banned 7 day by vote
  5. Let's be honest : there is no such a thing like : "I wanted to kill another hacker thats why i used hack" , "My brother used hack, not me - unban me pls." , "I have potato pc and used a tool for low quality and good fps" and other and other fairy tales. • People leaving ZLO because of Macro players aka PRO AEK,AN94,M16A3 players, and hackers (ordinary bad human material, braindead kids and low IQ teens and adults.) • Most of ZLO players are people who can't buy the game (have no opportunity to buy the game because they have no income [kids or extremely poor ] ), so how do you guys ex
  6. @Tit0 When you record longer video, open new topic.
  7. 2x ALSO : I don't want cutted on parts video i need video with 2-3-4-5 kills ( with 100hp if is possible) or don't open report topic. DO YOU UNDERSTAND OR NO ?????????
  8. ALSO : record video with 2-3-4-5 kills ( with 100hp if is possible) or don't open report topic.
  9. 50 hp and only 1 kill ?? # need long video. #also : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvKIL1AV7rE2LdhlRn3lXiA
  10. CurysGreat and his drama aka insulting and roasting people and then acting like victim. ... not worth it.
  11. This topic is not about T0PB1LLA! Let's wait what Fenix will decide.
  12. The guy was 50% hp + the shooter was with sniper scope on his ACW-R ( with macro or no spread you can kill a guy for 1.5 sec if he is 50% hp)
  13. But his stats are low, how someone can voteban him .... but to be honest - you can expect everything from everyone in servers.
  14. I've cheked his stats he is not that good but depends in which server he has VIP slot.
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