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About kameleke

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  1. Hi to the zloemu bf3 commune, It is with a heavy heart that I announce the shutdown of all our servers. I can no longer continue this endeavor. The relentless attacks on our servers for a game that I scarcely play anymore have left me with little choice. My professional commitments have taken precedence. The persistent DDOS attacks, orchestrated by a lone individual, have forced my hand. Let this individual savor their fleeting triumph, for I choose to rise above it. My deepest regret is for the loyal players who found joy in playing on our servers. To you, the players, I extend my heartf
  2. I get the home page when I go to it.
  3. Hi, @ ZLOFENIX Did not know were to put this question so I placed it over here. The feedback function its disabled? https://zloemu.net/feedback Regards
  4. Try updating your video drivers. Visit the Nvidia or AMD website, depending on the type of graphics card you have. If you're unsure, I recommend using Driver Booster to update your drivers. It has a free version, but be cautious during installation of free version as it may include additional software you don't need. Once you've updated your drivers, you can uninstall Driver Booster, as you only need to run it once. While Windows Update usually installs most of your drivers automatically, they may not always be the best or most up-to-date. For graphic drivers, I always recommend getting t
  5. Have you installed the lates drivers for your hardware?
  6. hi all, what is the minimum of cores that the bf4 server require? in bf3 it was 2. greetings
  7. the emu server is down at 5 am timezone Amsterdam
  8. Its to bad, battlefield hardline was a good game. I made a server fiew months ago. But it had no succes.
  9. kameleke


    why is the title of this post BANkai what are you talking about? BanKai_009 is my fellow server admin name. that is way I'm asking.
  10. when you start wine with xfvb you don't see anything it is made to run grapic apps on a server here is some info https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man1/Xvfb.1.html
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