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About NonFelt

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  • Birthday 02/20/1995

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  1. The launcher hasn't worked for days while giving the error ''can't connect, check status on site'' When trying to access Zloemu.net, the connection goes automatically ''refused'' Anyone else with this problem?
  2. My bad, I didn't express myself correctly. It's not normal to have a player with 110 kills, when the rest 31 persons in the server barely reaches 40... In a short time span. That's not someone who plays better, that's someone who cheats. And I can tell because I've been playing Battlefield online for 20 years now. I respect your prudence and thank you for reading/replying the suggestion.
  3. Today I was playing as usual and been able to spot this user, who's a LVL 8 with a hilarious K/D rate (compared to the rest of players). And I was wondering if ZLO could start taking these clear cases (in the form of a screenshot) as enough evidence to report a cheater. The main reason is, many of these users are multi-account players and lately they're present in every server, with a new account everyday. Reporting each particular case through a dedicated video would turn highly time-consuming, hence it grants them impunity in the long term. Just
  4. This was BannedForToxic today, on Rogue Transmission. POCTOB server banned the person who was reporting him as hacker. Just to let everyone know, that server does support hacking.
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