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    Daily reminder

    By Brendo,

                                                         Hello Bean GIFs | Tenor
    Hi players. I am writing to remind you about the "FREE" ZLOFENIX GAMES. I see a lot of "unknown" people (pu**ies who don't dare to put their real nick/name), are angry with how things are going in this "FREE" project and how ZLOFENIX is dealing with hackers (in game and outside). 
    1 - Everything here is free, if you don't like it - buy the official games and shut the f*ck up.
    2 - You don't like Fenix's attitude towards hackers (the option to give them a second chance) ->
    • Buy official bf3/4 and go f*ck yourself. ( bf3 price 7€, bf4 - 12€ ) - these are the prices from the biggest code provider site.
    You can find them at much lower prices of around 3-5 euros ( in steam , epicgames in promotional weeks) 
    3 - You want some games, but Fenix doesn't add them to ZLOFENIX games?
    • Provide an official account with the games to Fenix and he will add it (Of course if it can be bypassed/cracked).
    4 - DDoS wars between bf3/4 server owners.
    • We all hate it when people try to ruin the work and efforts of others in order to fill up their server. But Fenix can't help you if you don't give him the information (Ip routes, bandwidth strength, pictures of conversations etc.)
    We don't want topics here about - he ddosing, they ddosing, server is down because of him - WITH NO PROOFS.
    5 - Some people think that once they have "VIP" or "Server Admin" roles - they can break the rules - NO, YOU CAN'T.
    *VIP role* is for the people who help in the project like ( reporting hackers, helping to new members and etc. + former devs, and moderators,  admins - at Fenix's discretion) + you can lose your VIP role if you break the forum rules.
    *Server Admin* role is obtained if the server is running for a long time (without interruptions - works 1 week and 2 months - no working.
    And of course you lose the role when server is offline quite often + offline for more than 3 weeks.
    This role gives you the option to control your server's topic. ONLY YOUR SERVER'S TOPIC. This role does not give you the right to tell others how to control/run their servers. This role does not give you the right to break the forum rules.

    and last - ZLOFENIX is giving you the option to play games for free and you are trying to discredit him. Who the hell are you to tell him how to control the project? Do you provide the games, do you code? Ah yes, we all know why you are here - to play the games for "FREE"


    By Garry,

    Большое обновление пришло.
    Исправлена закачка в злорижине, больше не должно быть вылетов и проблем с 5 минутами.
    ZLOrigin должен запускаться с ZClient'а, для этого есть новая кнопка.
    Больше нет ZLoader'a, запуск игр с самого зклиента и злорижина никуда не пропал, но для SCR просто перетащите ехе игры на зклиент или создайте ярлык на ехе игры и допишите в начало полный путь к зклиенту с ехе.
    Сервера теперь запускаются из зсервера, указывать путь к ехе и параметры в нем же, без батников.
    Временная проблема: BFHardline не работает и клиент и сервер, скоро будет исправлено.
    Скоро будут добавлены все купленные длц и обновлены игры.

    Бф3 запускается через лаунчер 34h или через сайт. Четверка запускается  с зклиента!
    FAQ скоро будет обновлен.


    Поддержите проект // Support the Project

    By Lennie,

    Проект ZLOEmu обеспечивает своих пользователей возможностью играть в свои любимые игры АБСОЛЮТНО бесплатно.

    Здесь нет всплывающих окон с рекламой или майнерами. Мы уважаем всех пользователей, которые доверились и выбрали нас.
    Однако, всё стоит недёшево. И со временем эта цена только растёт.
    Ваша поддержка поможет  обеспечить работу ваших любимых игр на стабильном эмуляторе, открытом и защищённом. И даже внести больше разнообразия в будущем.

    Оказать поддержку

    New Project (1).png

     ZLOEmu creates the opportunity for gamers to play their favourite games, who might not have the ability to pay the high cost for every game they like. The project is ABSOLUTELY free.

    There are no pop-ups with ads or hidden miners. We respect every single user who trust us and choose to play here. 
    But hosting everything costs really a lot. And it’s getting more and more expensive. 
    Your support will help to provide you the games you love in a stable emulator, open and protected. And even to think about further more We can add or make there.

    Support Us


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