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Do I still need ZLOrigin after downloading and installing BF4?

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      So I recently downloaded ZLOrigin to download Battlefield 4, and I found something that interested me. Battlefield 3 was shown there, and it was claiming that I had an update for the game. I decided to update the game, but after verifying the game files, a message popped up and told me that Windows had blocked the update and I would be prompted whether to carry on or not. I waited for a few minutes but nothing came. Next, I tried to update it with the antivirus and firewall disabled, but got the same result. Same thing happened when I tried to download Battlefield 4 as well. Why is this happening, and is there any way in which I can fix this?
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      Переустановила ZLOrigin, поставила режим безопасной загрузки, удалила Симс, хотела скачать заново, думала, что проблем не будет. В итоге та же ситуация, пару минут, скорость-ноль.
      Как можно исправить данную проблему, помогите пожалуйста.
    • By ciarrac
      I just recently downloaded zlorigin and the zclient. I've done everything correctly, and even turned off my antivirus to try and get it to work properly. Every single time I try to open zlorigin, I get the regular origin login screen, and then a little popup window that says "Message of the Day. Windows XP or Vista users: due to a security update, you need the newer version of the Origin client to continue. Please uninstall your current version then install the update available (using Chrome or Firefox only) at" and then it gives me the link to origins download page/ When I exit out of this popup window, the login page says "Online login is currently unavailable." I tried logging in using my ZLOEmu login info, and it tells me I need to be online to login for the first time. I'm running on Windows 10, so I'm not sure why I'm having this problem. I've followed all the steps and help I've found online and nothing works. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to have the actual origin installed or not, because I don't. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me. I've included a photo of the popup window, and the origin login window, in case that helps.

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