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Everything posted by Despo

  1. Despo

    Its time

    Closed to prevent further shitposting and spamming.
  2. Strange. Your config seems correct. Where did you download the serverfiles from?
  3. If all windows server all cost the same, then take Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit. If your home internet is fast enougth you could also host the server yourself. This will save you a lot of money.
  4. Despo

    Its time

    Install BF4 with all DLCs (including Night Map) directly from Origin and join a normal game at least once. No we won't use any beta-files...
  5. There is no Zx32.dll One is called ZUpdaterx32.dll which you can find in Client.zip from zloemu.org
  6. Despo

    Its time

    Currently commander mode is not implemented (yet). Using the mobile-app would also require to reverse the app and patch it to target fenix's master. This is not planned. ETA: "no ETA™" (although i may look into that later)
  7. https://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu On Debian you can use the tesing (stretch) repo: ~# "deb http://ftp.ch.debian.org/debian/ stretch main contrib non-free" >> /etc/apt/sources.list ~# apt-get update ~# apt-get -t stretch install wine-development Which should install 1.7.51-1.
  8. zloLauncherCLI v1.2.3 A very small (~50KiB without icon) command line interface (CLI) launcher for both BF3 and BF4. Uses the most recent version of the zloAPI (BF3 v7.0.4, BF4 v2.0.1). This project's main propose is to serve as an alway-up-to-date minimal Client- and Server-Launcher and as a startingpoint for everybody who want's to code their own launcher. Fully opensource (C#): https://bitbucket.org/_despo/zlolaunchercli Everyone can contribute to the project. Code is rather messy, if you want to clean it up or add functions I would be glad to add them into master. FeaturesLoad API (BF3
  9. Despo

    Its time

    Time to port my launcher then
  10. As v7 is finally online now i'll start working on Version 2.2 of my launcher.
  11. Despo


    Na wenn ich schon mal Uni-befreit bin, dann muss ich mich auch produktiv verhalten :D
  12. Despo


    Seems like it's time to start coding again.
  13. Instead of pinging a server permanently you should better check your internet connection itself: AdlibRegister("CheckInet",10000) While True Sleep(1000) WEnd Func CheckInet() If Not _WinAPI_IsInternetConnected() Then MsgBox(64, "", "Internet connection was lost!") AdlibUnRegister("CheckInet") EndIf EndFunc ; #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== ; Author.........: Yashied ; Modified.......: jpm ; =========================================================================
  14. Ah sorry wasn't checking this thread. I hope you are unbanned now. Maybe we'll meet ingame again.
  15. No idea what you guys are talking. Anyway here's the video. I played 2 rounds yesterday to sort out the G3A3 capability. It has a recoil and spread even with a bipod but you can still do headshots in fullauto over a great range easily. I don't think that ASHOT was cheating. I can remember that.
  16. I'll post a video tomorrow which will (hopefully) proof that you were not cheating. I am on your side.
  17. Well the G3A3 is a pretty strong weapon, but it's not precise enough to do 2 headshots over 100m in such a short time. Even with bipod it has a strong recoil and spread over distance. Probably not an aimbot. No-spread / No-recoil hack maybe?
  18. If you need a program for recording: Bandicam portable multilanguage
  19. Please provide a video as proof. This screenshot is not enough.
  20. Yea he's obviously cheating. Would be better if you had some direct evidence though.
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