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Posts posted by MP412REX

  1. 15 часов назад, Sayian сказал:

    Меня pb забанил (в батлфиелд 3) за extreme injector!( Но я несобирался читерить, я использовал инжектор для оптимизасии Far Cry 4 для игры на dualcore (не читерить) Far Cry 4 "Dual Core Fix" на сайте нашел и попробывал и получил бан от pb( вот ссылка на сайт https://www.playground.ru/far_cry_4/file/far_cry_4_dual_core_fix-937774 он несработал( в фаркри всеравно черный экран(

    You're lying :stuk:!
    You injected a hack into the BF3 process!
    That's why you got banned :zlo:

  2. Dear administration !
    You have on the METRO / CHANNELS map 1700 tickets for the metro, and 400 tickets for TDM (channels). Why such an injustice? After all, there used to be 1000 tickets at TDM, and everything was fair. Many players and I love TDM (channels), return 1000 tickets out of respect to us on TDM!
    THANK !

  3. 10 часов назад, Wiz сказал:

    Streamable is blocked in Russia as I remember, anyway in the video he is aimbotting and his weapon is climbing into the ceiling (norecoil).


    No-recoil and No-spread hacker - 1000%


  4. В 22.08.2020 в 17:44, PsiMera сказал:

     насчитал за это видео 23 убийства в голову с АЕКа и 12 убийств в тело с АЕКа, итого получается (23/35)*100=65% HSKR за длительность видео...

    Скриншот 22-08-2020 204226.png

    Personally, I do not believe in such a divine skill of super-accurate head shooting from AEK. If you breed such cunning cheaters on ZLO, then they will become more and more every month. And players of average abilities will either go to buy cheats (and be either banned or become like Axeg_huesos) or quit playing here. If you want to be "meat" for hackers - good luck.  I expressed my opinion, I will not unsubscribe more on this topic in principle.

  5. 1 час назад, STALLiiN сказал:

    1. На 5:32  просто начать стрелять наугад, я сколько раз так же делал, видя, что оттуда стреляют.

    На 5:40 он я так понял сделал ZouZouz Jump, но не пролетел край и прицелился заранее, что бы прыжок сработал

    На 6:25 видно же откуда кидают зажигательную гранату и понятное дело, что противник находится за углом

    На 11:21 снова ZouZouz Jump, но недолёт, и там видно, что прицел при выхода из-за угла не смотрит точно на противника, а на метра полтора праве

    На 12:37 тоже ZouZouz Jump и снова не пролетел угол. Так же при выходе из-за угла прицел совсем не смотрит в сторону противника

    На 12:48 видно куда противник побежал, человек из отряда на котором он реснулся его не встретил, а значит из кишки он не выходил, тут нетрудно догадаться где он может прятаться

    Are you the same genius of tactics in infantry combat when the count goes for a split second?

    Do you think he has a reaction like a mongoose and tactical thinking of Napoleon?
    However, I will disappoint you, he is a common average player who uses WH (sometimes aim) and tries to prevent others from finding out about it.



  6. 8 минут назад, AxegMusor сказал:

    You can't decide anything.

    And you won't decide.
    I just pointed out some suspicious points.
    Here on the forum there are experts in this game, do not hesitate.
    Which will put an end to this fuss.

  7. This time he is playing more carefully ... :derisive:


    5.32 - very accurate shots through the smoke;

    5.40-viewing through the wall;

    6.25-pointing through the corner (when the glare from the lighter);

    11.21-viewing through the wall;

    12.37-pointing through the container;

    13.01-13.03 - a psychic in search :lol:;

    :facepalm:.... Then it became uninteresting to watch - I do not want to waste my time on this hacker ....  :facepalm:

    Personally, I think it's a tricky WH.


  8. 2 часа назад, ToXicLife сказал:

    PSImera. Stop defending him just cuz he is your friend, nobody cares if he is a good player on origin he clearly used cheats here at least (trahtor-rex-brendo-anik- me-etc ) say he is cheating and many more.... Its not like 1 or 2 moments where he is suspicious No its like 80% Of the video is suspicious.  + high Hs ratio Even top players like wiz - jizi doesn’t have it ... Tracking targets behind buildings who arent spoted even on the mini map - playing with the gunner zoom and seeing ppl almost instantly even behind trees and bushes.  And no. At this range. Ultra or low mesh wont matter as the chopper was low attitude  .. he was playing LAV. In mortar at objective D and he was spotting and shooting ppl  at the mountain  Behind trees- he was playing tank in altai range and randomly looked at a building and started shooting something. Then turns out someone inside and he kills em. Nothing gave em a tip for that player location  .. on propaganda u can see em tracking people thru smoke (they aren’t spoted as they dont apear on mini map).  And more.  It’s settled. Lets just wait for Fenix’s Final response 

    + + +

    I am for justice!
    Do you want to be the best - train, do not buy cheats!

  9. 5 часов назад, PsiMera сказал:

    вообще что значит попробовал подрубить аимбот? типа не получилось?)) если читак врубает аимбот, то он его врубает... он не может попробовать его врубить... вообще не понял как это, будто сил не хватило кнопку нажать)))

    This means that the player is aiming with his hands, and the aimbot is on a separate button. And when he does not have time or a lot of enemies, he activates the aimbot for a split second. Because of this (not because of the ping), the spectator jerks, but the player gets in the head.

  10. 38 минут назад, DaBaby сказал:

    "And for ZLO, everything is simple - here about 80-90% of players do not use cheats." :D:D:D:D

    Sorry. I mean PERMANENT players  ZLO, not those who come to test cheats.

    Of the regular players, I think 90% are honest.

  11. Guys, do you know why cheaters come here with a BF4 license?

    Because there every third plays with cheats !!!!!!!!!!!!

    And in order to get into the top players and not get banned, you need to have very even hands in addition to cheats.
    And for ZLO, everything is simple - here about 80-90% of players do not use cheats.
    Therefore, cheaters come here (who know how to play a little) and troll honest players, supposedly they are pro.
    But most of them come across sooner or later.
    Fortunately for most players.


  12. This is a cunning hacker!
    And he does not always activate the aimbot.
    0.45 - 0.50 - aimbot;
    1.15 - 1.50 - headshots through the smoke;
    6.23 - 6.24 - an attempt to turn on the aimbot on the tank.

    Suspected professional cheater - 1000%


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