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Everything posted by Wiz

  1. I played against him. He was strange but there is no proof so far unless I am mistaken?
  2. In the future - static crosshair should mean nospread. No matter who has it.
  3. Imagine that, I was right about it being an external hack. @APECTAHT at least you made it yourself.
  4. Read the commentary below the video link. https://youtu.be/yzuM-ColVPA FINAL proof. 0:00 - 0:04 - normal crosshair without nospread 0:05 - 0:20 - APECTAHT's nospread
  5. Also you are trying so hard to tell me I am just jealous of your "skill" (LUL) but this screenshot from your video says enough
  6. Because you can't aim and you don't know how to play the game, simple. You cheated in your own video anyway and this is not allowed in zlo - all external hacks and injecting into bf3 process.
  7. 16% accuracy with nospread))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
  8. Cool story. Have fun nospreading on origin.
  9. I like how you try to play dumb and act like no one can see it when it's extremely obvious that you're using a nospread. Did you even download a nospread or did you just download a cheat bundle that's supposed to increase your accuracy. Also: you were never votebanned because you are garbage at this game even with a cheat. You also claim that I/we are jealous of you (we're not), even though you struggle to get a 2kd using a nospread. And yes please go cheat on origin. This time buy an aimbot to get more than a 2kd.
  10. Go ahead and send as many videos as you want. Proof stands.
  11. Regardless of this he is cheating.
  12. Yeah good try but you're not even better than me even with nospread because I played against you earlier today when you recorded handcam and I was 9-3 with you Also funny that you tell me to grow up meanwhile you have to cheat in a video game and get a 2kd. Get lost
  13. No one cares where you played. No one cares how good you are (you're trash). No one cares why you play. You used nospread in video and you think we can't see it? Nice logic. It's funny how you always change the subject even when I have absolute proof that you are a cheater. GTFO.
  14. Nospread is by external hack or injecting. So needs banned.
  17. There is no need to check for anything more. This static crosshair is caused by nospread only.
  18. It's not unnecessary. Look at his crosshair. It doesn't expand, because it's a NO SPREAD hack. Do you even know what it is, or are you completely clueless?
  19. 1. APECTAHT 2. Nospread (+ norecoil macro but this is allowed) 3. Pycckuu CEPBEP 4. See his video. https://gyazo.com/8db25c23a6298beef95662f1e409efb5 At 1:00 and other moments he is hipfiring and the crosshair is not expanding (RUS) В 1:00 и в другие моменты он начинает стрелять, но кроссхаир не расширяется. It's a result of a cheap nospread hack that doesn't inject a new function to reproduce a normal crosshair. See this proof:
  20. This plugin collects info not only in game but also from Battlelog. It's possible that you have same GUID as a player on origin and adkats got that info (which happens to be a cheater's stats). I dont know how does adkats collect info, maybe by GUID maybe some other way but the only thing that you can do is make a new account.
  21. This .44 magnum with laser and suppressor was spawned using a cheat - whether a dice dev did that or not, is unknown.
  22. skill ceiling in infantry > skill ceiling in jet + bf is only franchise along with arma to have jets, so if u can't play infantry in 2019 (every esports game ever, csgo, r6, etc) u are probably worthless anyway
  23. 90% of jet skill is practicing speed control so plz.
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