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About (ACES)enCore

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  • Birthday 08/08/1995


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  1. If you want to throw down a challenge to our team you can make a request in the following form: _________________________________________________________ Если Вы желаете бросить вызов нашей команде, Вы можете оставить заявку в следующей форме: - Team name/Название команды - Team leaders/Руководители команды - Memberlist/Список команды и кол-во игроков - Game type/Формат игры - Time and date/Время и дата See you in battlefield! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ До встречи на поле боя!
  2. We're recruiting soldiers from all of the world! Criteria for selection and application to the team: - You must be 18+ - Country of residence - You must know russian language - Your K/D must be 2.00 or more (you need to attach screenshot with your stats from KillZone or Despo Launcher) - Good sense of humour - You must be connected with our team. Don't be an egoist. Play with your team. - Availabality of Skype and RaidCall - You must have pretty good skills of controlling vehicles. - And finally. We're not cheating and we don't respect it. So play fair and respect other players! - Respect y
  3. Dear ZloGames community! Welcome to the official page of ACES Team! We specialize in Battlefield 3 game. We're rectruiting players for our team who can contribute their mite for our development. We're interested in skilled players. Who'd be proud of having this clan tag . _________________________________________________ Уважаемое сообщество ZloGames! Добро пожаловать в официальную тему команды ACES! Мы специализируемся на игре Battlefield 3. Наша команда открывает отбор новых бойцов в наши ряды, которые смогут внести свою лепту в её развитие. Мы заинтересованы в игроках, которые имеют х
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