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    HOW TO DONATE TO zloemu.org

    By trello,


    DONATE to zloemu.org so we can keep on providing you with the opportunity to play your favourite games for free.

    Server owners, you can host your server from your home connection, so instead of renting for alot of money...give 1 e/$ a month to zloemu who makes all this possible for you.
    You can donate from 1 $ a month to any amount you choose.

    For a one-time DONATION by credit card go to .http://zlobilling.org/
    And if you don't have credit card..DON'T PANIC!!
    We have the solution right here for you

    This is how you can donate a monthly sum from your paypal account or credit card.

    1.Create an account here : https://www.patreon.com/home
    Confirm registration by pressing the link in the email sent to you.

    2. After logging in to the site go to payment settings (top right corner profile picture)
     Choose either paypal account or credit card and fill in the required fields.
    3. Find ZLOFENIX creator page : https://www.patreon.com/zlofenix?ty=h
    press  the orange "Become a patron" button
      and the write in the box the amount you would like to donate PER month.

    One time donations are not possible to set up here.
     Any time you would like to stop donations you have to cancel/ delete the pledge/donation.

    LINKS to HOW:
    1. How to donate/ become a patron: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204606305-I-want-to-support-a-creator-How-do-I-become-a-patron-

    2. When will I be charged?

    3.How to delete/cancel my donation


    Its time



    Срыв покровов / All reserved - revealed

    Насчет БФ4 - эмуль работает, но еще не все части сделаны, скоро будет закрытая бета. / About BF4 - emu is working, but some parts not done, soon will be closed beta.

    Никаких сроков / NO ETA


    BF4 - Почти готово / Almost done

    CNC4 - Только данные, не начато / Only data, no emu

    DS3 - ~50%

    ME3 - Только данные и каркас / Only data and skeleton

    Origin - Нет достижений / No achievments.


    Эмуль орижина потому, что БФ4 без него не работает. / Why origin emu? Because BF4 will not work without it.

    BF3 v7


    Сейчас идет обновление на новую версию.

    Обновление для клиентов http://zloemu.org/files/bf3/Client.zip просто распаковать в папку клиента с заменой.

    Для серверов http://zloemu.org/files/bf3/Srv.zip в папку сервера с заменой, логин и пароль теперь в параметрах запуска, как у бк2: -zlogin login -zpass pass

    Лаунчер сам не обновится, поэтому качаем руками http://zloemu.org/files/bf3/Launcher.dll

    В остальном - сидим, ждем.


    Update in progress.

    Client update http://zloemu.org/files/bf3/Client.zip just unpack to client with overwrite.

    Server update http://zloemu.org/files/bf3/Srv.zip unpack to server folder, login&pass now in bat file, not in exe. Just add to cmd line -zlogin login -zpass pass

    Launcher will not autoupdate, so download http://zloemu.org/files/bf3/Launcher.dll

    For now - just wait.

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