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Everything posted by Despo

  1. Name: MYDEAR Type of Hack: SendDamage() Server: - Proof: http://dropmefiles.com/wrU5g thanks to s21dth for reporting and Drcoffin for proof
  2. Name: kasper Type of Hack: Aimbot Server: [TBB] The Big Bang server 24/7 online Proof: http://webm.land/media/xAMP.webm
  3. As far as i know B3 does not support custom plugins and the features are poor. I don't get it why admins are using it over PRoCon.
  4. It's clear that the screenshot shows a cheater. Nobody can do 37kills in 2 mins on a normal server. He is banned already. Closed.
  5. If you have his EA_GUID then post it here. Name can be changed, GUID stays the same.
  6. I think you do not understand. Look at the scoreboard, he has 37 kills. The game just started, in fact if you count the deaths of the RU team you come up with 42 deaths. Which means he made 37 kills where most player on his team didn't even have the time to do a single kill. It's Conquest and starts with ~340tickets, he made 37 kills in less than 2mins. Just look him up in ZloLog: 4.6 kills per minute, 37 minutes playtime => Colonel 100 with hacked scores in every class + [FUCK]-clan has only cheater members
  7. This + the fact that [FUCK] is a hacker-clan should be enough proof.
  8. Thats the new punkbuster problem. Open taskmanager and kill both Punkbuster processes (if running). Then rename the "pb" folder in X:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Battlefield 3\
  9. Name: Fucktmmmdddsss Type of Hack: Multihack Server: - Proof: http://webm.land/media/8B9K.webm repost from here: http://zlogames.ru/index.php?showtopic=3005&p=35272 thanks to shdgpz for reporting
  10. Name: ciginpin Type of Hack: SendDamage() Server: [RU]_Server_BF3_[Volograd] Proof: http://webm.land/media/BhcG.webm
  11. Ist der server danach noch IN_GAME und online? Versuch mal den server ohne PB zu betreiben. Ein forum-user hatte mal das Problem, dass ihm PB irgendwann einfach ein paar Ports dicht gemacht hat.
  12. Das game schließt ohne irgendwas? Passiert das bei allen gleichzeitig oder in Abständen?
  13. Was für ne Fehlermeldung bekommen die? Was sagen die server logs? Ein paar mehr Infos....
  14. Did you use a clean Origin rip or a cracked version? Do you have toe DLCs installed?
  15. Richtiger LAN-modus ohne Inet ist noch nicht implementiert, aber das hat uns auch nicht davon abgehalten auf ner LAN mit 56kbit/s Internet BF3 zu zocken. Irgendeiner von euch wird wohl n Smartphone mit Empfang für tethering haben? Wir hatten 1 Anschluss mit ~300kB/s für 9 Leute. Null lag am server. Dann erstell einfach einen Server auf dem schnellsten LAN-Rechner mit einem Namen wie "[LAN] DO NOT JOIN!" und setz die Slotsize auf die genaue Anzahl der Lan-leute, wirf noch mein LAN-plugin rein und setz alle Lan-player auf die whitelist, damit kommt auch kein ungebetener Gast auf deinem Serve
  16. Use your account from zloemu.org not from zlogames.ru. Make sure you have no special chars in your password.
  17. Linked via IP? I don't really get how these accounts should be linked otherwise.
  18. How do you know his other nicknames? hksam12 is already banned since a few days.
  19. probably, or he is already banned
  20. Name: STAKAN Type of Hack: Aimbot + Damagehack Server: =Ofk= FRENCH Server's TDM/RUSH Proof: http://webm.land/media/z2jf.webm edit: yay 500th post wasted for a hacker
  21. Punkbuster as useless as ever. Thanks for reporting.
  22. Name: hksam12 Type of Hack: SendDamage() (from UC) Server: [RU] BESTSHHOTER BF2 VETERANS HC Proof: http://a.pomf.se/puganz.webm can be used to send damage from any weapon like here: https://youtu.be/6qU7iRaWz74?t=16s
  23. Name: asus1673 Type of Hack: Aimbot + Damagehack Server: [RU] BESTSHHOTER BF2 VETERANS HC Proof: http://a.pomf.se/dibyps.webm pretty obvious
  24. No you don't need the game on the dedicated server. Make sure your serverpath is free of whitespaces and only features english-chars and numbers.
  25. Falscher Bereich. Da brauchst du die deutschen sprachfiles. Sieh mal hier: http://zlogames.ru/index.php?showtopic=1188
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