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Posts posted by Bartis

  1. 12 hours ago, CannabisRU said:

    Если не сложно поясните в каком конкретно чите вы подозреваете этого игрока?

    Really? Your posts on this forum are about finding a proof of one player where you watch him every frame.
    And can't see such obvious moments here like: 0:27

  2. Я буду говорить по-русски, потому что вы не поймете ни слова.
    Вы обвиняете меня в том, что я использую кучу читов. Я был на вашем дурацком сервере discord несколько месяцев назад, я показал свой геймплей, и все, что я получил, это ничего. Посмотрите на себя, никто не хочет помогать вам на этом форуме, я не думаю, что это без причины. Ты сидишь целыми днями в этой теме и не можешь сделать ни одного нормального комментария, я понимаю, что ты почти никогда не можешь говорить, но забавно видеть, как ты говоришь "у меня нет времени", "vip для комментариев", "это очень просто увидеть". Простота - это ваша глупость и скука.  

  3. Just now, Menphis said:

    stop being sarcastic. everyone here knows that he is not a cheater and that fenix will close this topic as soon as he sees the comments.

    Yeah, so it's like a shitpost forum for you. Yeah, lets chat here what do we think about mbvkavkaz03 guy personally. Completely pointless

  4. Just now, Menphis said:

    I relate it to him being just an idiot. the same idiot of always of every day creating new accounts or changing his name,

    I get your personal feelings, but this won't help anyone. Your better input would be review of those videos or to put your own videos.
    I watched two and I see nothing, even the OP was that "lazy" or "sure", see his replies. He won't show you the timestamp, won't explain them. It's like throwing the words to wind. I am still waiting for someone to link me any suspicious timestamps, at least I want to.

  5. Just now, Menphis said:

    You defend the scum of zlo, he doesn't even have the courage to say who he is here on the forum. obviously one of them 2 is Toxic
    Only 5 people commented P2KSX234LL78 topic minutes later these 2 idiots were messing around with their name in metro/locker.


    How is this related to THIS post. Solve it with server admins, not on the post where x guy wants y guy banned for cheats.

  6. 10 minutes ago, Menphis said:

    Always racist comments, banning people for voting unfairly..

    Dont forget Terry_A_Davis


    stats tell nothing, you could join marchal server or whatever his name was = your stats are fucked

  7. 7 minutes ago, KP0B0CT0K said:

    там куча моментов где невидно в теплак игрока а он туда стреляет 
    и убивает 
    если это для вас норма и Феникс на это закрывает глаза  то пора задумываться над написанием своего эмулятора


    Nobody going to miss you, create basement with your players, especially such with one specified tag.
    Anyway I watched 2 videos. 2 videos of nothing, your factional dreams of someone who is supposed to be "cheating" based on zero skill in game of yours.

  8. Kick/warn implementation is in adkats, but I guess you only want those parts, not whole bloated plugin.
    Your job to find it.

    Read messages through rcon and then match to your case you would like to. (regex)
    For notify, easiest and best is to request discord api with your webhook url.
    For inspection idk what you want, webhooks are not enough for this... probably
    My Result:

  9. Please restrict yourself on YOUR servers only. What the fuck is your problem with me coding, maybe I should lose my job and quit it because one old dumbass is crying. I don't need you to believe if my screenshots are real, I am not a guy who spends all day to fake one compressed screen. I can prove it by many ways, but what's that for? For making nothing because your types are born with hating others. Maybe if I am from your country you would accept all hacks I make for you? Think of what you say, every single thread turns to be directed hate speech against group of people, with you giving no proof and later you change the topic to other people who I have no impact on at all.
    And about those current politics on server - if I would apply a chat filter for that, 40% or 50% would be kicked, mr empty server owner. I have no nerves on that, the fact I banned one idiot for tag was more personal than having the tag, I don't need to deal with people who go on other server to promote how others servers are shit.


  10. 1 hour ago, Trahtor3418 said:

    for what reason should he change the tag? because you wanted to?

    People join the game to play, not see any politics. And we gave xanders too many chances so I left him with perm ban. And to keep everyone neutral, we started banning for this. If you don't like it and see bf4 as politics game then create your own server where you allow it. I don't understand why you literally moan why, the reason is simple, we are neutral in game.

  11. There are other players from Russia who got banned with this label - lie more Xanders, you had chance so many times in past to stop breaking rules or even stop messaging stupid messages.
    Xanders loop:
    1. Open bf4
    2. When you die often, say they are cheaters
    3. Say panda sucks and other servers have 0 cheaters
    4. Get banned for that

    5. Cry on forum
    6. Take no notes at all

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