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Posts posted by DodeMan

  1. 1 minute ago, PsiMera said:

    I very often come across a situation where a game above average is called cheats, so I am skeptical in this regard and in no hurry to accuse people of cheating if I have no proof. He may be a cheater, but you need proof, not suspicion

    there are many videos, or sketches of him cheating. same cheat as By-Wick. aimbot, or damage modifier. probably aim. 

  2. i don't call you a cheater. I don't call Sirsven a cheater. Black Goku. or any other good players. and none of them call each other a cheater. but almost everyone i know called this guy a cheater, or at least suspicious. there's a reason. 

  3. 1 hour ago, PsiMera said:

    I agree with @Wiz , it is very difficult to prove something here, there is no 100% proves. You can suspect any good player.
    @DodeMan , competitive in bf4? Its joke xD? The year 2021 is approaching, and you are asking why the player on ZloEmu is not in competitive ... LOL

    @PsiMera dude, my point was if Lilteezy's so good, then he should be known. at least, someone should know him. or maybe, he lives under a rock :) 

  4. most players say this guy's cheating. others are just not sure. Which option requires more assumptions? that the guy's cheating, or that he's the best player in the world but he's not competing world-wide because he had a tough childhood being raised by his auntie in the suburbs and not having gotten any schooling, and therefore he can't read or write enough to get into college? 

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