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Posts posted by Brendo

  1. 1 hour ago, Wiz said:

    Actually nospread is even harder to prove in spectator. There are only very rare cases where you can really definitely prove nospread. (Anecdote: there was a spectator video of ebashu before he was banned, and in 5 seconds of 15 minutes he hipfired at a wall and his bullets made a perfectly straight line. However the chance of this ever happening is so, so low, and it's so, so easy to miss it, since spectator videos can go for 10-60 minutes.)

    As a general rule of thumb, it's almost impossible to prove 100% from gameplay videos, and even harder from spectator, and it's anyone's guess if someone's death was by nospread or not. However if you see someone using guns like the AEK, Famas, PDWs (in general, weapons which are weak at range due to high spread values) and beaming people across the map then some degree of suspicion is certainly justified. But Mr. Lilteezy here is a bit smarter than the average closet cheater, he plays ACE 21 and ACE 52 CQB, weapons which are fairly competent at ranges where other weapons such as the AEK-971 begin to fail.

    tl;dr: to the rest of this people in this thread good luck proving anything especially since he could just toggle off his cheats when you ask him to record a video :derisive:

    Well, to be honest with the bugs we've seen from spectator mode in past - it is most likely impossible to prove "No Spread" unless the player records a video, but we all know that he will record something other than what he shows. The macro reduces the recoil of the weapon to almost 0, no spread is like you're shooting with laser line, zero deviation, zero recoil, 100000% accuracy and in combination with calm hands it is like an aimbot. But tbh at the moment Panda is in charge and if they ban him this guy is done. Like if they ban his guids he will struggle to join again, even with new acc :D In 2015 there weren't many reports about hackers, because if a guy used a hack he went into the server's ban list and we forgot about it. Ban guids, ban ip.

    and its 2020, almost 2021 and there are still people who use hack in bf4, like.... wtf... what pathetic piece of **** you have to be to use a hack in a project that gives you the opportunity to play the game for free.

  2. There are many misunderstandings in the whole topic. Reported for "No Spread" but you can't prove no spread without spectator view, it's even almost impossible if you don't play the game all the time. In general, you should know the gaming/guns mechanics of bf4. It can be a normal macro that also does the same job :) 

  3. 12 hours ago, AlexD00m said:

    Помогите разобраться с форумом. куда писать можно ,а куда нельзя. чтобы не было флуда. 

    Причина жалобы. игрок имеет запрещенную аватарку со свастикой и персонажем Ку-клукс-клан . это разрешается? спасибо за ответ.



  4. On 9/16/2020 at 1:30 PM, aldjazirolol said:

    а ты очередной мудак,который получил маленькую власть. и вообще,какого ты трешь сообщения про сервер в теме сервера?! 

    1 - If you don't like server management - buy VPS and start your own.
    2 - Your speech is at a level corresponding to a person who has only reached the 6th grade at school.
    3 - If you don't like that I delete your comments (which are in violation) - GTFO!

  5. On 9/16/2020 at 6:42 PM, Wiz said:

    Looks like some people never learn

    I have nothing to comment on his statement, some time ago he registered here with a female name :) 

  6. On 8/24/2020 at 10:08 AM, MP412REX said:

    Personally, I do not believe in such a divine skill of super-accurate head shooting from AEK. If you breed such cunning cheaters on ZLO, then they will become more and more every month. And players of average abilities will either go to buy cheats (and be either banned or become like Axeg_huesos) or quit playing here. If you want to be "meat" for hackers - good luck.  I expressed my opinion, I will not unsubscribe more on this topic in principle.

    In the official version, such players do not impress you, but here it is strongly expressed. There were many strange actions in the video in which he was reported, but after he provided a first-person video, it's gone.

  7. 3 minutes ago, SePaHBoD said:

    I know, i just said the difference between two weapons to who don't know the difference.most of players don't have it so recoil is important for them.

    I've said it before - the advantage of having a gaming mouse.

  8. 11 minutes ago, PsiMera said:

    с чего ты взял что он не может? просто я больше тут на форуме сижу и не хочу чтобы моего друга забанили, потому как я знаю что он хорошо играет и знаю что честно играет. А мне не надо чтобы мне потом предъявляли что я сюда читаков зову и играю с читаками...
    Чтобы ты понимал на сервере мы когда играем, на каждого из нашей компании постоянно сыпятся предъявы в том что мы читеры, хотя мы просто умеем играть лучше тех кто ноет. И сегодня докопались до него, завтра ещё до кого-то, может и до меня... И мне не нравится когда хороших игроков некомпетентные люди обвиняют в читах.
    Я сам читеров не люблю и для меня это оскорбление когда мне говорят что я обманываю... Так что давай ты отбросишь все эти твои намёки про геев в сторону, я думаю я достаточно объяснил почему я его защищаю

    And rest assured, I know you and your bro friend insulted me a lot because you had to record videos. I'm not particularly impressed with your opinion of me. You are not the first and you will not be the last to offend me (not here).  A lot of people have done it and continue to do it. 

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