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About Geo1994

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  • Birthday January 25


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    Graphics Design, Videogame Engines development

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  1. TUFA can i ask you how did you installed the game, tried that one and doesnt install, if you can share your tip it will be awesome.
  2. Te tiene que dejar meterlo, en este caso desactiva tu antivirus, el windows defender tambien cuando este te diga que bloqueo el archivo. dale click a la notificacion que te aparece en la ventana de notificaciones y te abrira la ventana del defender, desactivalo y ahora descarga el archivo nuevamente. ahora si lo puedes copiar. Dime si funciono. Saludos
  3. Tienes que actualizar el archivo ZX32.dll para poder jugar. si no es eso puedes decirme si sigues teniendo el mismo error. Aqui esta el link, descargalo y ponlo en el directorio donde tienes el Battlefield 3. http://zloemu.org/files/crack/ZUpdaterx32.dll
  4. Tienes que registrar tu cuenta de zlo primero, es decir validarla, zlo manda un correo de activacion a tu cuenta de correo si no lo tienes en recibidos ve a spam. validala y cuando el launcher te pida logearte te logueas usando el email y el password que proveiste para registrarte en zlo.
  5. Tienes que esperar un poco mas, si no te despliega ningun error es porque el battlefield tarda en ejecutarsse admas que el launcher tiene que iniciar el juego logear al servidor sin antes que todo eso, validar, yo espero un poquito ya que tambien juego en Windows 10 al igual que tu. ahora si te despliega un error podrias publicarlo para que podamos darte soporte. Saludos
  6. Since there's no ETA for the game I convinced myself that I can wait for the final release so I can download the whole game I have good Internet at the college Whole game is about 60 gib right? Thanks
  7. If he is the cheater or not anyway, I said like three times "I will record", you keeped cheating so I decided to report. That's simple mate Cheaters will be down for ever trololo hehe
  8. Name: [777]lllXyuLanPROlll Type of Hack: Unknown, some king of speed hack or knife hack Server: # [DOUBLE XP][FpsZ] TDM Noshahar Canals 24/7 Best Ping # Proof:
  9. I was in that server too, the guy was cheating using any weapon in the game, while i was parachuting he was killing me with knife and RPGs, i got killed by him by knife without being close to him, he was cheating clearly, you can see in the photo in the server chat that a vote kick was started against him. my name there is TheAmazingGeorge.
  10. That's really weird I see him again in the same server hacking with different nicknames test-hack and teste-hack1 he was like killing with defibs and knifes and medical boxes lol
  11. Hello everyone I would like to ask if the final realease will be a standard package to install, I have been looking all of the comments that zlorigin will be released and battlefield 4 too the game will need special installation? I mean second apps, zlorigin as well or some kind of modification like the one you are explaining for origin? Thanks!
  12. If you can be more specific of how many video memory does have you graphics card I can tell you if you can run bf3 with 16 players At the moment I can say. You can Have been playing with Intel I3 4160 3.5 GHz with PNY 2 Gb enthusiast edition and it runs ultra/high settings
  13. Si instalaste el juego otra vez al haber actualizado a Windows diez es posible que si te este pidiendo de nuevo los datos. Pero así como lo dijo el compañero arriba asegúrate de haber actualizado el launcher y el launcher. Dll de zlo al haber hecho eso escribe tu email y contraseña ambos de zlo no de origin. Ve a ajustes le das check a autologin y listo ya no tendrás que hacer eso Saludos
  14. This Is just amazing saving almost 75 dollars for play an amazing game with all characteristics and dlcs and forever!! While in origin "guys battlefield 4 will be down after 1 year what will be the day when we are going to shutdown the servers?" Lol Definitely zlo is my boss
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