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Everything posted by tomacristi

  1. Name: GGTrooper Type of Hack: Wallhack,Aimbot and Target Server: Hellas | FpsZ Proof:
  2. tomacristi

    Its time

    Thats true though Maybe a game in Metro?
  3. tomacristi

    Its time

    Danke Mate Wish you luck with Closed Beta testing
  4. tomacristi

    Its time

    Its happening Anyways,can i install files from BF4 ZloEmu in my origin ones and wait for Zlorigin? If i could get access to Open Beta,that would be good Also heard from thetruestarr1337 that Closed Beta will use Beta files :O Or is it fake?
  5. Cheater Name: Resona Type of Hack: Wallhack,Aimbot and One hit kill Server: ***Infinite Ammo*** Screenshot: After joining this server i started to notice a strange player that gets many kills with pistol and LMG. Playing a while i saw that he was seeing behind the walls and kills instantly with headshot
  6. Battlefield 4 is better now

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