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Posts posted by Havohej

  1. 9 hours ago, Brendo said:

    Only if these members respect moderators and ZLOGAMES.RU, if they don't and make dumb answers and conclusions without knowing what happens, will be punished and banned and like always will cry for unban ))

    Dude you've been but in charge to help people not to "punish" them so they cry for unban or something  :facepalm:

  2. 9 minutes ago, Zooke said:

    @Reaper37 Now that Fenix has corrected you on a few things, maybe you can lose the 'racist moderators are responsible for everything' attitude since it is clearly not true.

    With BF4 fast approaching, and the huge amount of new people this will bring, such attitudes will simply not be tolerated. Staff will have enough to do without having to waste time on this kind of thing.

    Alright, I'm sorry .. but you should have seen how mister @Brendo treated people bad just because they're Arabic .. it really pissed me off .. however I saw this post and saw him started to make fun of it and I wanted to make you understand the point of this topic, that's it .. and then he banned me without reason and deleted my replies .. I'm just wondering why the hell is this dude even in the Zlo staff, what did he do to deserve it??

    So .. that's it I got to say I apologize for wasting your time and I'll do my best to help you guys.


  3. Let's get things straight here

    Firstly, this guy wanted to say thanks to you Fenix because somehow they could play Zlobf3 again after your racist moderators banned the whole damn country (Morocco) and removed the Arabic forum from your project community just because some Arabic guy argued with him, So he thought that you unbanned them or did something about it. (as far as I know)

    Doing something like that is not a good idea you want more people to join your project .. you want it to spread you don't want lose people, ban them just because they are Arabic, Mexicans or whatever they are dude that's a big mistake.

  4. 4 hours ago, ZLOFENIX said:

    ..::xp2::.Morocco..:[TDM] and ..::xp2::.Morocco..:[BEST FLY MAPS|900 tickets] and both was created by bo3-morocco. So kill your fagget friend with proofs, please.

    meaning what


    5 hours ago, Brendo said:

    Persian forum was deleted by Admin.

    "Persian forum was turned to persian chat with 18+ videos, swearing etc. When we try to translate what they write was something like $8#&&#*#*@^*3*$ DEEP BLACK HOLE for us."

    that's cool so when somebody do something wrong at the English forum you remove the English and Russian forum instead of just banning the bloody member
    this is not fair! the forum has nothing to do with Persians and it was so damn active :/

  5. 7 minutes ago, MasRy said:

    جدار الحماية انا قفله اصلا ... و مش مسطب عندى برنامج الفايروسات .... بصراحة انا مش عارف ايه سبب المشكلة دى !!!! ... رغم انها مكنتش موجودة معايا فى ويندوز 7 
    هل العيب او المشكلة فى ويندوز 10 

     المشكلة عندك في ملفات اللعبة

    .dll لما تسوي فورمات بعض الملفات الموجوده على الدرايف الي مثبت فيه النظام تنحذف وبعض الملفات في مجلد اللعبه بتحذفها برامج الحماية مثل مشغل اللعبة او ملف 

  6. image, yes, but  music is not so much . imho.  I told that I'm too old for this cold.gif   

    i'm listening to this band since i was 15 and i don't feel old for it 

  7. To RAV3N: Where he lost his eyebrows? :D  Goths play melodic death (although.. i hear a little industrial)?!    Probably i'm too old kolobok_scratch_one-s_head.gif  As for me  very similar to the "Blinded Colony" band

    lol donno about "Blinded Colony" never heard of it before but they look pretty much like Marilyn Manson for me 

  8. (لكل من يواجه مشاكل في تشغيل السيرفر (الخادم   

     اولا : قم بتسجيل السيرفر هنا ,استخدم اي اسم مستخدم وكلمة مرور 

    "_StartServer.bat" ثانيا : ضع اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور في ملف

     ServerPassBF3.exe ثالثا : امسح ملف

    : الى bat رابعا : قم بتغيير ملف 

    set INSTANCEDIRECTORY=%~dp0Instance
    set SERVERNAME=Server Name
    set GAMEPORT=2521
    set ADMINPASSWORD=Password
    set PINGSITE=ams
    set REGION=EU
    set ZLOLOGIN=server login from http://bf3.zloemu.org/servers?user
    set ZLOPASSWORD=server password from http://bf3.zloemu.org/servers?user
    start bf3.exe -zlogin %ZLOLOGIN% -zpass %ZLOPASSWORD% -serverInstancePath "%INSTANCEDIRECTORY%" -Server.ServerName "%SERVERNAME%" -GamePort %GAMEPORT% -RemoteAdminPort %REMOTEADMINPORT% +admin.password "%ADMINPASSWORD%" -PingSite %PINGSITE% -Region %REGION%

    "connect to master" ثم "Launcher" سادسا : افتح مشغل السيرفر

     .bat سابعا : افتح ملف

  9. ok so where can i download and i didnt understand too much about the co-op will there be one it is not available but will be or only in a different game?

    download what ?

      you just need to update client and launcher.dll file read this post : http://zlogames.ru/index.php?/topic/4074/#comment-42446

    about the coop, it still unavailable in this update, it will be after another EMU for EA game (not bf4) as far as i know

  10. **بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم**

     v7  الى الاصدار السابع  battlefield 3 يتم الان العمل على تحيدث محاكي لعبة

    كيف تقوم بلتحديث ؟

     فقط حمل الكلاينت من هنا ثم فك الضغط وانقل الملفات الى داخل مجلد اللعبة ووافق على الاستبدال

     : لأصحاب السيرفرات

    -zlogin login -zpass pass فقط  ضع الامر  "exe" وليس في الملف التفيذي  bat قم بتحميل تحيدث السيرفر من هنا فك الضغط وانقل الملفات الى مجلد السيرفر, تسجيل الدخول (الاسم وكلمة المرور) في ملف 

    ملف الانشر لن يحدث تلقائيا ! حمله من هنا واضفه الى مجلد اللعبة

    هذا كل ما عليك فعله لحد الان 

    اي اخبار او تحديثات بخصوص التحديث سأقوم بنشرها هنا

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