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About rubenswalker

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  1. Well here I am again, I ask you for a little patience, haha I managed to eliminate all the errors that were in progress, Origin and ActivationUI.exe works correctly fine without being launched by ZClient, but it didn't open through ZClient... I wanted to understand a little more about what happens in ZClient, what type of process and dependencies it uses.. . some curiosities: 1. When starting "RUN GAME", does it inject any dll into ActivationUI.exe, bf4.exe, Origin.exe? yes, which dll... 2. Any references to any dependencies that are used in the process? If you could enlighten me
  2. yes... it is me case, I've tried several ways, almost everything, but there's something that stops activator.exe[ It's a shame ^^, Games perform better on Linux than on Windows, that was one of the reasons for migrating xD While it's not supported, I'll continue with dual boot just to play BF4
  3. Yes, I tried... but touchup doesn't work with wine... To solve the problem with ZClient recognizing the games, I manually imported the keys into REGEDIT, and now recognizin! Now I have another problem, bf3.exe runs, but it just stays in the background in processes, it doesn't display the game, Maybe it's because of some modification made to bf3.exe, but zbf3.exe works normally, everything is fine.... I'm trying to solve it, thanks for you reply
  4. Hello, could someone please upload the .exe files of bf4? I can't update in any way from the origin... I just need the x32 and x64 multiplayer executable, Is there any download link for these client files?
  5. yes, in C#... That's what I'm talking about, I need to adapt to wine! The problem is that zinstaller.bat isn't working correctly in wine, I'm trying to fix it so that everything happens normally, thanks for the answer
  6. Hello everyone, I'm trying to solve a problem in a Linux system (via wine) "what has great performance in games on old computers" so that users can have access to the servers... I'm a developer, and I need some launcher source to adapt to the system, most of the problems I've already been providing a solution, some functions that I'm going to add: 1: Select your game directory, or game executable (which I've been having problems with on Linux, as I can't connect to ZClient for identify path directory games) 2: Clear cache, 3: Auto-update, 4: Repair key Registers in regedit for
  7. Hello friends, it's a pleasure to be part of this family! I normally play on servers on my Windows 10, but I've always been a Linux user, lately I've been trying to play via Lutris, and soon I'll try on Bottles... Everything goes well, until logging into ZClient, but when opening ZLOrigin, it opens and quickly closes... is there any solution? ZClient, 34 Launcher, and even the official Origin open normally, only ZLOrigin didn't open!
  8. PIRIGU, os servidores estão rodando normalmente? depois de anos e anos de ter entrado no zloemu, comprei um notbook bom, e resolvi jogar esse jogo lendário novamente...
  9. Thank you, Thanks for the torrent link, I looked a lot!
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