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About ScallyMilano

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    tg: @fx8370e
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  1. i told u to record video on metro server with high kd. u didnt
  2. u was playing on ALL-MAPS server, kd was 6.44, and not full round.
  3. i mean instead of you someone else can play on ur acc
  4. i cant be sure that on video will play exactly u
  5. ok do it, u will be unbanned if proof ur play. but after it u must create new acc and u will play only in it acc. 1 guy and 1 ip, to be sure that is only U playing And i wll add some rules: 1) Server: [2XP] Pycckuu -BAZAR & CANALS & METRO | All Unlocked- 2) K/D >9 3) U playing solo, without any friends. U must create new sq and lock it 4) U must record all round, without any video edit. after it u upload vid on YT with >720p quality
  6. ar u ok? so i need to be proof ur clean play?? maybe u should send proof of ur gameplay??? i can see who use something or no. i know almost all good players on Zlo and also know their gameplay, but u and some other guys ar from origin and newbie at Zlo hell yeah, so if i ban ppls and asking them for video with gameplay its mean i am bad admin??? u ar so freaky
  7. okkkk retard 1) i am clean player. i play aircraft in main, but u ar chinese mf who use cheats in infantry. i know u ez in jet, so i dont care 2) if i admin so thats means i cant play like default player?
  8. Базрейп TOPB1LLA - пилот Typhoon-Spank - ганер Сначало играли нормально на вертах, птом они начали базрейпить видос - (https://drive.google.com/file/d/167fUXIO1xJGH3bhPGLm0MLy4ieHtIApy/view)
  9. BASERAPE 9GeZIM - Gunner BOSS-JS - Pilot I also spoke and warned them, but they did not want to listen to me Video (sorry for bad resolution, but their nicknames are visible) - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWfvqh1hQMePONqkot-eAN2WORc-nDaN/view?usp=drive_link
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