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About aaronbk13

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  1. Oh, i just found the word "run" written on zlient, omg, i had to literally run from zclient lol -- i always used to open the zclient, then zorigin bfore playing the game. ok thank u
  2. so how do i start the game from zclient? can u teach me please? 2 weeks ago i was playing the sims 4 as usually i always did
  3. i cant start the game from zclient, cuz before the game start, the origin opens first
  4. i did the change but it keeps going wrong, with that last error message
  5. Eu inicio o Emulador, depois abro o LZOrigin, em seguida executo o The Sims 4 em modo administrador e aparece esta tela de erro e não sei como resolver, portanto não estou conseguindo jogar. Tenho The Sims 2 completo instalado, mas consigo joga-lo normalmente, pois o erro acontece apenas com o The Sims 4. Alguém consegue me ajudar, por favor? Obrigado !!
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