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About ggxhaze

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  1. i guess it interfered with the game, as the script is supposed to press the shortcut to change the desktop, maybe, idk
  2. but i cant log in it says banned What to do then?? i don't mind resetting my progress as there was not much sorry, I'm unbanned, thanks for understanding, ill be a worse player than do cheating
  3. hello, my account GGxHAZE was falsely banned previously but i didnt found any ban appeal site that time, i found this forums recently after reading the first post, it seems that AHK scripts are not allowed (and didn't know about that) , I use win 10 virtual desktop enhancer (https://github.com/sdias/win-10-virtual-desktop-enhancer), which makes my school productivity much easier as I don't have to press 3 keys to switch desktop instead just two, so i guess the anticheat found this and banned me, if you don't want to unban can you clarify plz
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