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Everything posted by JonnyJames1

  1. 1. Dropsdan ( rank 17, ping 50 ) 2. Aimbot 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4.
  2. 1. DOOBODOOR ( rank 31, ping 54 ) 2. Aimbot 3. Panda 4.
  3. Stats: Panda BF4 Stats - III444III - Panda-Metro & Locker- (pandazlo.com) Kill / Death 1.54 Headshot / Kill 55.84 %
  4. 1. iii444iii ( rank 03, ping 20) 2. Aimbot & Wallhack 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4.
  5. 1. ZloKiIIer ( rank 42, ping 49 ) 2. Aimbot 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4.
  6. Stats:http://pandazlo.com/index.php?p=player&player=seeaki Kill / Death 1.03 Headshot / Kill 54.95 %
  7. 1. seeaki ( rank 08, ping 33) 2. Aimbot + Wallhack 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4.
  8. 1. GopStop01RUS ( rank 36, ping 75 ) 2. Aimbot + Wallhack 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4. Stats: http://pandazlo.com/index.php?p=player&sid=2&player=GopStop01RUS
  9. As i said put your ego aside, if they are cheating its for them a problem but its not a justification for you to cheat because you think somebody is cheating too. That is what week people do !
  10. If the game isnt the same as your mind says, why did you cheat, why being a bad example, why not being real ? You could play normal as we all are. Put your ego aside and accept the fact that are people better then you and find ways to improve yourself not by cheating, because in the end of the day your going to be just an cheater who fakes skills to give pleasure to his sick ego.
  11. Game is the same for everyone, some are skilled have experience and have the will to enjoy spending time on that, and some are just like your kind, not accepting that are people better then them in this world, and finding ways to overcome that by cheat.
  12. Suggest to not give answer for questions like this. Apachi1x570 is a cheater. Apachi123 - Reporting detected cheater - ZloFenix Games (zlogames.ru) ban for IDK reason - Bans - ZloFenix Games (zlogames.ru)
  13. Archer2580 - Reporting detected cheater - ZloFenix Games (zlogames.ru) ban for IDK reason - Bans - ZloFenix Games (zlogames.ru) What do you think you are ? Asking questions like this, you think you are smart ? danger of ban for same network - Support - Help Q&A - ZloFenix Games (zlogames.ru) I suggest to improve you game skills not thinking ways to cheat.
  14. Stats: http://pandazlo.com/index.php?p=player&sid=2&player=Apachi123 &
  15. 1. Apachi123 ( rank 20, ping 130 ) 2. Aimbot, WH 3. Panda Metro&Locker 4.
  16. Stats: Panda BF4 Stats - ramaz997 - Panda (pandazlo.com)
  17. 1. ramaz997 ( rank 18, ping 73 ) 2. Aimbot, WH 3. Panda 4.
  18. Weapon Name Kills Deaths Headshots Headshot Ratio RFB 62 0 34 54.84 % AK-12 22 4 16 72.73 %
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