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Everything posted by Brendo

  1. Any act of provocation against the administration is not allowed. Next time i will ban you.
  2. In both case with wipe or without there will be consequences with my support!
  3. You're the reported one, you can't say "Close the topic".
  4. Утопающий хватается за соломинку))
  5. So after you guys figured out how to reach that place is not glitch anymore ?? Brehh, an interesting theory. So if you can't reach some place its glitch but after you check youtube and etc to see how to reach it, it turns to a proffesional players spot ? PS - Probably that day i wasn't here at all, i have life, job, uni
  6. As i can see all of your friends are here and saying - IT'S NOT GLITCH
  7. Like i said a few days ago when you mixed the drama. No more compromises, friends up reputation and support will save no one.
  8. So if you can't reach some place its glitch spot but if you and 1-2% max can reach it and put radio beacon is not a glitch spot anymore? Very interesting, we should ask Lugan_Maks but he was wiped for same glitch but on the other building. If 70% of players can reach it is not glitch spot but if less than 5% in zlo can reach it - ITS GLITCH SPOT.
  9. I will talk with Noah also, no one will come out clean.
  10. Well i'm sure that you will make a tutorial how to reach that place and you will say it's not a glitch just to avoid acc wipe Maybe you should make a video of all glitch places and call it " Proffesional spots that noobs can't reach." and we should stop wipe accounts for this because everyone will know how to reach it >
  11. Forum is full with people who is glitched at places where they can get killed easy but they still finish WIPED. But when it comes to your friend and you - OH THIS IS NOT GLITCH. But if somebody else was at this place you will be one of the first that will say - WIPE HIM.
  12. Rules??? Every glitch shall be punished by acc wipe. Since when you consider yourself as privileged?? # If they can kill you its not glitch? FOR REAL? , then why people in bf4 that put radio beacons at the top of the mountain and shoot from there - they finish WIPED ??? They also can be killed very easy by sniper, but this is glitch, or i should call it a professional place that noobs can't reach ????
  13. Don't tell me what to do! I'm giving my opinion, if one very old good player got wiped for same glitch then everyone should be. If you don't like it - good bye!
  14. Moshkosh looks like you can't accept the facts. When Lugan_Maks did same glitch everyone chanted - WIPE HIP, WIPE HIM. He got wiped. Did he said something ??? Now you're doing same and claim this is not glitch?? @ZLOFENIX
  15. So you can cry and beg FENIX to wipe account when someone is glitching, but when you're the glitcher - OH THIS IS NOT A GLITCH ??? Equal treatment for all!!!
  16. Please, don't raise your tone. Lugan_Maks was wiped for same glitch but now when you and archer did this. "OH IT'S NOT GLITCH, BLABLABLA. IT'S GLITCH."
  17. Lugan_Maks has been wiped because of same glitch from other side of your glitch place. It should be same for all, right ??? #just for the record - even I was wiped because Cepora fell under a container on Canals and i spawned on him. @ZLOFENIX
  18. Just for the record StaL1N is R3ZA and he deserve to get banned for the last video he made ;)
  19. Based on the latest dramatic events - the pancake turned. No more compromises!
  20. There is admin and there is rules. But glitching is punishable by FENIX with wiping account!
  21. Lugan was wiped for same but from the other side.
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