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Everything posted by (THC)Skan

  1. I have Rambo completed, Combat medic too. Probably completed them a long time ago when everything worked fine. And I don't see how changing host could damage any of that, it's basically a copy paste of the master server.
  2. What I meant was that right after I finished an assignments to unlock MK3A1, I played SCAR-H which was connected to an assignment that didn't work, but in that round it did work. A qeustion btw, does the assignments that don't work show up after a round is done? They don't show up in game when I go into the assignments tab. And I thought that maybe Premium ones don't show but there are alot of them there that did show up. Basically, those assignemnts don't exist for the game/server/master server.
  3. Played on a server recently (4-5 days ago) with SCAR-H, I think it was TDM and I was unlocking MK3A1 and after unlock started playing SCAR-H. At the end of the round the assignment that was not working before counted the kills I did for that weapon, but after that it stopped working again.
  4. Maybe there are wrong values set for those assignemnets? Maybe a typo in the weapon name or the requirements for that assignment? (i.e. normally asking for 100 kills but actually asking for 1.000.000)
  5. Same problem here, stopped working some months back but didn't notice because I had to work. Started recently playing battlefield again and went to complete all the assignments and in 1 week completed every category except the Premium one. Some of them worked to complete like: Get to tha choppa or Maverick, but others like L96 Specialist, Pecheneg specialist, Fire in the hole won't move. https://gyazo.com/57cb524a39d8b7672e47059f7f2f52be https://gyazo.com/f65c2559407a69d159147f47793f3c7b Bugged assignments: Pecheneg Specialist, L96 Specialist, SCAR H Specialist, L85A2 Speci
  6. Not possible at the moment, very small chances to even be in our mind.
  7. Deleted posts which were not in English! Please speak English, this is an English thread.
  8. HA! We already have keys for The Crew xD Even tho we are too lazy to install uplay.
  9. Kilzone is renovating his house...maybe 2 weeks lets say :D
  10. As far as I know, Punkbuster: OFF=Unranked, ON=Ranked. ?
  11. Unfortunately, the launcher doesn't scale with display ratio, it keeps the same ratio at any resolution: 16:9
  12. Launcher resolution follows your screen resolution. Does it work with other launchers?
  13. Sup xD try deleting the launcher config file. and we already have it translated to arabic, select it from options>language>ARB, check if things are okay :D
  14. Opacity of the medals are 50% of the original. Going lower than that will start blending with the background. The design is not final, we might change things here and there, if we do change anything radical we will keep in mind your suggestion! Thanks :D
  15. Ok, thanks man! Added to buglist and we will fix it when Killzone comes back. Glad you like it :D
  16. What bug in singleplayer launch? Our design is based on the xbox/ps3 launcher design, but we can't make it 100% like it because of the missing functions from the original one. I.E. Invite friends, etc...we have no idea what to replace those with.
  17. We will think about translating the launcher into Chinese. You can't replace the music.
  18. "#2. Stop posting [please] issues regarding to launcher.dll or others launcher problem."
  19. Laughed my eyes off. xDDDDDDDDD Some rules/suggestions: #1. Stop speaking in russian, I will delete all the posts in russian without even bothering to translate them or care about them. #2. Stop posting [please] issues regarding to launcher.dll or others launcher problem. #3. Please read launcher devs posts because once problems apprear you will see them post about it. #4. PLEASE BE PATIENT.
  20. Have you tried to delete ConfigZL.dat? //Translate// Launcher good in all respects but periodically throws cheto not tell why? Please talk in english :D
  21. Well, it's just the design. If you guys want I can give you the code and resources and implement it here on zlogames.ru :D
  22. Hello fellas, Got alot of free time and nothing to do so I made a homepage design for ZLOGAMES. Just and idea of design: http://zlogames-design.ucoz.com/
  23. Well, if it was stored locally, it would've been easy for us to modify it. But since they are stored on the master server we have no idea how to access them, and apparently nobody knows how. :( LOL, someone's having fun editing comments with nexus_shit into nexus_shit xD
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