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About MrSh4d0w

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  1. MrSh4d0w


    Zx32.dll zUpdater32 V7 Update/Crack LauncherDLL (el moderador ya lo ubico en la parte de arriba pero bueno aqui esta nuevamente.) Yo en lo personal uso el launcher de despo es para mi el mas estable y mejor programado Ahora bien si tienes todos los archivos correctamente pues no deberias tener problemas... Espero se solucione tu problema, cualquier cosa comentas
  2. MrSh4d0w


    Edu, el error que ubicas se debe solucionar con las soluciones que te ubico el moderador Zooke o como te lo indique yo, recuerda Firewall es una cosa, Defender es otra y antivirus es OTRA COSA . el defender de windows funciona como antivirus, el mensaje de error no es por invalidacion de cuenta... no es que tus datos esten incorrectos, es por que te faltan las dll's u el crack v7 / complementos como dx y demas en el ordenador. salu2
  3. MrSh4d0w


    Hola Edu, Mira para que funcione debes normalmente instalar el Dx desde la carpeta del juego _Installer el vcredistx86 si tu pc es de 32 bits y x64 si es de 64bits si nada de eso funciono, Apaga el antivirus, apaga el defender AGREGA a las exepciones del antivirus y del defender la carpeta del juego, luego vuelve a copiar el cliente/crack/actualizacion v7 para jugar en zlo Salu2 Cualquier duda comentas
  4. Yes i understand that ._. But example of Death1 No says nothing about it but is good know that So i Need Make This without ALL added material ? i can AND ... GreenPNZ : According to google translate say that i'm hacking on video ._. because i know where are all enemys ._. idk what means or what want say with that ... that guy is so wrong .
  5. Nice arrogance dude... u are not jet player and comment here like one ... i think about post only jet players know ... CyrusGreat are great pilot... and u ? i never see u play in zlo ... and less play with jets dude ... learn about jets and after come to comment like some one that Know about it ... Sry but it's the truth ... how much arrogance on your person... i have russian friends but no are like u dude ... u need learn to be a mod or member of a staff ... u have many problems with players before for u attitude with players ... bcz u just ban players without reason ... but all forget
  6. Don't understand ._. google translate is shit for russian ._.
  7. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/AcE_Sh4d0wZLO/stats/193342244/pc/ My Second ACC Guys ;) I'm Not Noob PD: Low K/D Because i play competitive with pro players and it's hard But accuracy is Very important , And GreenPNZ Srsly Man ? u think that i'm Cheating in my video ? hahaha Lol ? how ? it's Just Skill ... And Maybe Good aiming ! Me Like so much see u play in origin with the people that i play ... u will call to all HACKERS hahahaha xD But ... It's ur think i can't changue that ... and ur words have more importance that mine bcz u are staff member and mine just norma
  8. it is ironic BEST FLY MAPS! Hahaha LOL! . But... It's ZLO c: their rules... we only have to acept these ! y gracias por tu mensaje Caballo Espero podamos mejorar mucho mas en Origin ya que zlo no te permite ser mejor parece xD y si lo eres : ERES HACKER xD y terminan baneandote de sus servidores... por mi esta bien ellos son los dueños son sus reglas, y gracias nuevamente .... seguire mejorando jasdjajda pero en origin aca no se puede... COMPROBADO una vez mas
  9. Sry for my english hehe, And sorry for don't answer before... i can't answer before bcz moderator Zooke Warning me and i can't post for 3 days hehhe but i'm here answering
  10. I'm learning i'm not PRO DF player i learn and practice with my friend : CABALLO LOCO we play too in origin : CRACK Dogfight server i have less time that him in jets .... I'm Newbi in jets, only can Beat players in Zlo because in Origin is too hard... So much good players... here in zlo no one is like ORIGIN `Players! ... And u have reason @4yk4a I'mi do many incompetence in jets and sry for that bcz i'm learning ... i think in more time i can play better just need practice more.... so About control speed i see so much videos in internet about control that in 1cam and 3th cam
  11. •Nickname: Picardia •Type Of Hack: Probably : No Recoil - Aimbot - No Spread - No Breath - Minimap Hack And Wallhack. •Server: rVo Games / Italy Server •Proof: • [Information About My Proof]: I do this video for my friends, and i edit this like for my team... Sry for that but i think that i can use for report him... I edit my video for the people and him that call me cheater see that i'm normal player for some people good player it's personal Comment then in video can see that these guy with hack i can kill him ... think only how i kill him when him was without hack
  12. You cant kill him with 1-2 bullets with AS VAL x2 And ... at that distance and in the helicopter PD: that guy was banned and reported time ago !
  13. Bo3 Morocco Use Speed Hack I Said This Before But Nobody heeded me
  14. Hi Guys, Jean4eVAAA Is In My Clan On Zlo And VODK Clan on Origin him Is Player From Origin, Now I'm Editing His Video For Upload To Youtube, And Some People See Like Him Play I Will Leave Here Stats From Origin Him Have 22 % Of Accuracy He Is Good Isnt Cheater Or Use Macro Don''t Have Mouse Gamer Only With Mouse Gamer It's Possible http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/JeanN4eVAAA/stats/1058840358/pc/ PD: sry For My English Cheers! ~Sh4d0w
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