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About hunter0122

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  • Birthday 12/27/1994

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  1. If I was a hacker seriously I wouldn't pay this much effort into proving that I am not hacking, I will just make another account. I'm doing this because first I am not a hacker, second is I don't want anyone knew me during the time I play BF4 ZLO like starscream21, Frosty, [EP]STALLIN, sami_the_killer, my fellows from same country like YueMoon, GZTacmin to know me as a filthy hacker. That's the feeling I hope you guys understand. If you guys still don't want to change the decision after this then I have no more words to say. Sorry for causing this much trouble.
  2. 1.01 Tell BlackHawk to post the whole video, as about 5 mins earlier I got constantly lock by someone eventhough all the building around A got destroyed and my thermal heat cannot detect any thing. That's when I predict there has to be someone standing in the building up hill to track me, as that is the only place possible (safe enough) to track me, and the reason my thermal heat doesn't show anything but I still shoot is because I know thermal heat has a range of detection. It cant detect targets from really far away, or sometimes if you play the game you will know, thermal heat has a bug not
  3. Can you specifically point out at what exact time in the video that seems like aimbot please. Because as you may see, everything is just about "when I see, I shoot" and that's it. I really don't like your attitude of you as an admin to another player using "GTFO". And also it's so obvious that when I shoot something fast or small, its not always hit them. Like the jet or a guy running from far. Did your watch my hit marker ?
  4. Oh it's you again Blackhawk, I am more than excited to see how you can prove someone from clean to hacker, and I would make your post from making me a hacker into making me become a legendary AA player. I played ZLO since BF3 when I was a scrub, and then BF4, coming from the bottom getting dominated by pros and now as I finally reached the top I got accused a hacker. I appreciate your intend at making BF4 clean but this time you're wrong and that really pisses me off. So try it, prove me, let's have a man to man conversation.
  5. Thank you but I seriously have no idea about the "RageSalt" account. And to be honest I've already satisfied with my current gameplay to do any hack lol . But I did play BF at a public place where computers are allowed to have many users in a day. Maybe can someone show me I used the same computer as the hacker. That would make the point.
  6. "TheAALord" is the only nick I have, the other guy I usually give my account is "ThanhNhan" as showed on your list as also "Multiacc". So is that if you open 2 account on the same computer at the same time you will get banned ? If so I am sorry for not fully understanding the rules. If admins can unban me I would be very appreciated. And yes I will make sure this never happen again
  7. What Multiacc is about ? Sometimes I give my account to another guy to play it because it had many upgrades already and the GNZ Bot server was suddenly 999+ ping for us. Did that got me banned ?
  8. Today I login to my BF4 ZLO account as usual and found out I got banned. Also I notice in this thread there still no post showing the reason for banning me. Can someone give me the reason for getting banned here ? My account IGN is: TheAALord (before was hunter0122) I usually play on Panda and Amstel Also my friend from the same country is banned too. Is there anything I need to understand here? Please let me know. Thanks all.
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