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I have no excuse what so ever ... but I have been playing for a long time in ZLO mostly because of DLC , I did buy the games itself and I currently play a lot of Punkbuster games so I wouldn't risk anything to get banned.

I had no idea why I'm banned but I assume it's something that I saw a file on my desktop "suspicious exe"  I was out for a couple of beers I came back my brother on my computer and he just left without saying a word , he usually doesn't get up of the computer without me saying 10 times to get up , but he did this time he felt guilty somehow.

I went Into Zlo to login , to play a game in BF4 and I get the message in ZClient that I am banned .... I asked my brother if did anything but he kept denying it even tho I saw the file that he downloaded in my desktop.

All I have for proof is that I recorded a couple of videos in while playing in here ... I posted a small vid in Youtube a while ago and I still have more videos in my computer that I haven't uploaded yet , it's in my name and other players from the server Panda are there , I usually play in Panda server 

Again don't get me wrong i'm not trying to find an excuse but I can promise you that this will never happen and You guys have no Idea How I hate Cheaters and I never thought this would happen to me.

This is Bf4 from Zlo gameplay and I'm going to upload another file if needed



This is BF1 from me a gameplay , this is not crack or whatever 



Edited by Garry
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