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About dj_ash1983

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  • Birthday 01/12/1983

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  1. Already disabled the antivirus. And if it did, the DLL file in question still exists on the folder. So the antivirus isn't the cause for the problem itself.
  2. After all the installation and downloading BF4 game and DLCs, I tried running the game on single player mode. So far, it works without any problems. Now I wanna try playing online multiplayer, so I go to the ZLO BF4 server list and clicked "join" to one of available servers with people already in it. Then the Origin message appears (as shown on the screenshot below): "Invalid license. Reason code = Missing DLL: [Extension.Twinkle.Codec_Win64_retail.dll] Error: 0x7E." I checked the BF4 game folder, and it does have that DLL file in it. So I don't know why it was "missing" when it
  3. Nevermind, I already fixed the problem by deleting "Origin" folder from ProgramData and AppData (both Local and Roaming).
  4. I just installed ZLOrigin and downloaded the Battlefield 4 game and DLCs. Only the "Final Stand" was the remaining DLC yet to be downloaded, but it stopped halfway so I paused and resumed the download. It took like forever to resume, so I checked the ZClient and found that the message "Cloud2 err2" keeps on repeating. Do I have to wait? Or is there something wrong?
  5. Is there a way for the launcher to not remember the login username & password? Because everytime I run the launcher, the login username and password is still there.
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