ok thank you again for responding and we have to be patient no problem.
Apreciate all you do always. hope you have a good day.
ок, спасибо за все, что ты делаешь.
Хорошего дня.
дравствуйте, для The Sims 4 выпущено 3 новых набора. Они не появляются?
Zdravstvuyte, dlya The Sims 4 vypushcheno 3 novykh nabora. Oni ne poyavlyayutsya?
I speak english so i hope google translate did well sorry.
Yes, i am sorry that i forget to mention that you can only play it with 11 version if you open the sims with zlorigin each time. I am glad it worked for you in the end.
Hai i can awnser that for you. But only in english. You have to open zlorigin and then search for the sims 4 in games. Right click on the sims 4 icon and select game features. And then type -dx11 in the command line arguments and press ok. This way we can also use directx 11. I did not know it was this easy also. My game is so much smoother now. Hope it works for you too.