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About Shaantje1992

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  1. ok thank you again for responding and we have to be patient no problem. Apreciate all you do always. hope you have a good day. ок, спасибо за все, что ты делаешь. Хорошего дня.
  2. ок, спасибо. Можем ли мы помочь собрать для них деньги? thank you for the respond. Can we donate for them?
  3. I will do it in english also. There are 3 new kits out since yesterday. Unexpected cause they did not announce it before
  4. дравствуйте, для The Sims 4 выпущено 3 новых набора. Они не появляются? Zdravstvuyte, dlya The Sims 4 vypushcheno 3 novykh nabora. Oni ne poyavlyayutsya? I speak english so i hope google translate did well sorry.
  5. Yes, i am sorry that i forget to mention that you can only play it with 11 version if you open the sims with zlorigin each time. I am glad it worked for you in the end.
  6. Hai i can awnser that for you. But only in english. You have to open zlorigin and then search for the sims 4 in games. Right click on the sims 4 icon and select game features. And then type -dx11 in the command line arguments and press ok. This way we can also use directx 11. I did not know it was this easy also. My game is so much smoother now. Hope it works for you too.
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