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About Porge

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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI0QeBUEExU this is the video. though in my case i also had to delete the russian language files found in battlefield 4 > data > win 32 > loc the russian language files have RU in their filenames so those are the ones you need to delete. you can find the bat file in the battlefield 4 folder itself. you just need to scroll downwards. its called ZInstallerBF4. i dont think you are supposed to have this file if you didnt download from the link i sent above.
  2. i found out those got installed when i got bf4 last night. what do they do and should i uninstall them, and would uninstalling them lead to a problem?
  3. okay i fixed it, i translated that site to english using google and found out i needed to run the .bat file found on there. It was also in russian but i fixed it by following a youtube tutorial
  4. http://zlotracker.org/37328 i got my bf4 install from here, from where do i need to put my zclient and 34hlauncher files in because i think that is the problem. 2021-01-12 23:27:00,058 [1] ERROR - [] Exception message: The target game BF4 not found. at [MoveNext] at [ThrowForNonSuccess] at [HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification] at [MoveNext] 34h launcher logs say this
  5. Zlorigin isnt an option, i somewhy cant download the unpacked folder on google drive and i dont want a repack, the other torrent is a repack so this is my only option. And other than that it wouuldnt be smart to stop now when i am 65% there. though since i posted this we have 2 seeders now so its all right.
  6. So could someone who has it seed it right now? It has been 30 minutes since i posted that but only one seeder showed up that is nowhere near enough for the 12 peers currently downloading.
  7. I have been trying to download BF4 from this torrent http://zlotracker.org/37328 because my zlorigin download speed always reaches 0 for some reason. But the problem with that torrent is that the seeders come and go continiously and we literally had 0 seeders since yesterday. and the day before that the seeders would sometimes be present sometimes not. It was only 3 days ago when we actually had a good amount of seeders and every peer could download equally and i got my progress to 50%. but i have only managed to get to 64% since two days because of the lack of seeders.
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