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Posts posted by ToXicLife

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxTqqa6IINA&t=580s , this is scout heli footage

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gJf5DSwF9M4 this is attack heli footage , also the gunner is mediocre ;) a better gunner could do more .

    go check these footage , and then try to find cheats ;) , if you say they are cheating = you are a total noob and you should never play any multiplayer game ever , also check the comments , everyone is saying "wow you are good" nobody is accusing them of cheating , why is that ? simply because they got brains and no that they arent cheating .


  2. On 4/14/2022 at 7:01 PM, Karen82 said:

    Мнение тех у кого шчету убиств и смертей 209/2 после раунда и ваншотят ???? вижу ты хорошо разбираешся в ситуации и знаеш кого слушать,а что на шчет ты разработчик один из них или еднственный я верю и мое почтение и блгодарност за внесенный труд и потраченное время но пойми суть не в том что меня забанили суть диалога в том что тебя убедил читер который остался безнаказенной вот вчем вся суть этого диалога,да черт сним с моим банм обидно что эти козлы думоют что как лехко устронить помеху читерить подсунув screen rec,ты собственными руками кидаеш свои же труд коту под хвост а ети зас.....цй ликуют типо там все лохи включая меня как хотим так и делаем и не питайса меня разубедить что это не так.и просто на заметку если сушествует статистика клилов на баннеры с рекламой заходи смотри из этих козлов кто солько кликнул хотя бы за этот месяц ну и в конйце посмотри мою статистику.

    cheater is mad , like usual , blaming others for his own use of cheats .............. loser mindset , internet are full of videos with people doing 300 - 0 score , go search and watch them , bf4 is a noob game , if you have a brain and tryhard enough you can eventually do 600 - 0 if you wanted :) , + this is pirated version of bf4 , 99% if zlo players are zombies who cant even walk and have 10 year old PCs , if you accepted the fact that some players are just better than you, have better internet , better pc, have more experience  = you may try to improve your self and play better , but using a cheat to try to stop them = loser who fake his skills . fact is > you cheated , you admit that you were gonna cheat in game chat  , you got recorded cheating by me , and you still trying to blame others for your cheats ? you gotta be a big imbecile !!! , if you think someone is cheating = go spectate him and record proof like i did , or all others do , and then come make a thread about it if you got footage !! , also nobody gonna trust the "you cant record with your gpu , i had a 2009 laptop with garbage potato gpu that could record anything :""""D

  3. 6 hours ago, Demyan74 said:

    Абсолютно согласен и взываю к Фениксу что пора разгонять всю шайку Панды во главе с кодером и читером Bartis. Готов привести человек 60 минимум, которые подтвердят мои слова.

    Have You just got farmed? Do you think I am hacker? Feel free to report my profile and don't forget to write crying garbage on my platoon wall. But I am still not banned even after hundreds of reports. So probably something is wrong with you. I am not hacker. I am god, try to deal with it!

  4.  1. AWU-Centurion (rank 113)
    2. panda metro-locker
    3. 1 shot kill

    4. 4 days ago he one shotted me out of a helicopter but i wasnt recording and he started crying about me cheating (because i was doing a kill streak with a chopper ) then he said he will make me cry on forum or whatever , then today he went fully 1 shot kill :facepalm:



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