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Everything posted by REZ7

  1. are u an-94??goodjob fps 50+ping 160-200 and got 164 kill
  2. 1_ an-94_macro 2_ ping 160 3_ oneshot 4_ pycckuu tdm noshahr I could not get more proof Because the game end. got 164 kill in 15 min.
  3. REZ7

    speed hack jet

    Hello, Friends of the people in Zlo are using a speed jet hack. And this is a secret hack. Can anyone help me out what this program is and how it works??? so that the admin can see the speed of the players.Is this program allowed???I want to see players jet speed on my server.
  4. REZ7

    MAXtor NO cheater

    This is a repetition that is said by all sinners
  5. 608headshot of the 724 kill??
  6. 1_DeathNote007 2_oneshot+aimbot 3-pycckuu tdm noshahr
  7. 1_geky-ume 2_one shot 3_pcckuu metro
  8. Большое спасибо за создание этого фильма.
  9. 1_yuvaraj 2_oneshot+health hack 3_Русский noshahr tdm
  10. Bug.Npoepaz and peace_maker Always do it.
  11. Yes, servers are full of these people. They are smart.
  12. If it's real, it's very dangerous، Because it's hard to detect in the game.
  13. name: ALKOTRAS oneshot+aimbot pycckuu metro :Last night I could not get enough video proof from this person.
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