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Everything posted by (THC)Skan

  1. Orfin, We reproduced the bug and trying to fix it right now. Thank you for bug report!
  2. Orfin, Hello, Thanks for the feedback. Could you please reproduce the PB filter problem? Because when we are testing the launcher, we do it on 3 different PC's with different internet connections/hardware and we encounter no problem whatsoever. We are trying very hard to make all the pings displayed. We did manage to do that but our solution takes about 2-3 minutes to aquire all pings from servers. Mode filter is currently set to only one setting at a time. We will think about your suggestion and let you know if we are to make that change in the filter page. That error is present
  3. You must be using a lower resolution than the one recommended by us.
  4. That must be because it looses connection to master server. Launcher cannot be open without this connection.
  5. We need translators for multi-lingual side of the launcher. Would appreciate help from people who know: Russian, German, Espanol, French, Czeh, Portuguese and Bulgarian. PM me for details. Found for: Czech Russian French Portuguese
  6. Ping sorting is impossible right now. It would take 4 minutes of launcher freeze to make this happen. Added language rule :D
  7. " RECOMENDED RESOLUTION : 1920x1080! Other resolution might be glitchy. " It looks "okay" on 1280x720 but doesn't look as good as 1080p Once the settings menu will be up, we will add music toggle and auto login setting. We will at some point.
  8. We can do that, but would take time. We want to make it look very nice :D Hey, Could you be more specific please? What's the problem? To check ping you have to click each server. We are trying to make the launcher aquire all server pings but from our initial tests, it takes about 3-4 minutes to get everything so right now it's not very possible.
  9. With the owners permision, we will add ZLOlog into our program but it will take time to implement this feature. Auto login will be available once the setting page will be up. We're fixing right now operation metro in map fitler GreeenPNZ, Wow, ok. We will definitely do that. Thanks!
  10. Auto update has been added to To-Do list. Could you please explain logins cryptage? Thanks. Hey, We don't have access to ZLO database so it's impossibile to do that for now. Sorry.
  11. GreeenPNZ, We will include that in the settings menu.
  12. It just closes? No force close/error box?
  13. We will be updating the main post with known bugs or to-do list so don't hesitate to report any problem here.
  14. Try restarting the launcher and filter again. It is in beta, we are aware of null results after a long time of filtering and we are trying to fix it asap.
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