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Posts posted by dicktastic

  1. 2 hours ago, CheatrHunter said:

    Panda in bf4 has admins looking for cheaters.

    It's not the admins that hunter cheaters, it's mainly just players, and normally just a few of us.

    I am not a server admin but I report cheaters when I encounter them. I did the same when I use to play BF3 but now I exclusively play BF4 which is better for catching cheaters as there is the spectate feature that can help to prove it, though sometimes that is not needed.

    Once you have proof you put the video up on here, if others agree then they are banned for 1 year, and banned on everything ZLO. They don't get around that ban as it is a robust ban system.

    If you suspect someone is cheating then capture proof, usually a video of them playing to how they kill you.  

  2. I have got lots of footage of him, the video I made was from about 20% of what I recorded. I'll review it all and see if I can find anything else.

    It's hard to make a good video of it all though as he was doing very long shots and the image it very bloomed out on my system, but the way he was finding people at 40x zoom tells me he he is being guided by a wall hack.

    The range finder issue - I have had this bug happen to me several times and it never switches on and off. You might get it when you first join a game and it stays on until you die. Once you re-spawn it's always gone. Also you don't get it for two consecutive games.

  3. 4 hours ago, ToXicLife said:

    > your brightness is very high that increase the bloom on this lanceng dam map which makes targets hard to spot + ur graphics settings are probably high  which add post effects and fog etc makes distance targets hard to spot, maybe his settings are all low and his brightness is way lower thus making it easier from him to spot targets ?? 

    Yes. My monitor is old and seems dark on most maps so brightness is at 100%. Graphics settings are low apart from mesh but I do have some post processing on.

    It's been bugging me why the 2x appears on his scope but if you look at 1:58 you can see for a split second the scope goes black & white. I think this hack brings up 2 scopes as one. It is using the range measurement from the FLIR [IR 2x] which is why 2x is often shown on his scope.

    I know having a range finder on any scope can be a bug but if it doesn't happen it will only stay until you are killed. His stays with him through 2 whole games and he appears to be able to switch it.


    1. Bob_Lee_Swagger (rank 31, ping 246)

    2. Kit Hack, wall hack, possible aim.

    3. Panda



    Kit Hack - Variable scope (14x) not possible if using the Range finder yet both are used throughout 2 games so it can't just be the range finder bug as that only happens when first joining a game.

    Wall - He seems to find enemy snipers quickly/easily even though they are not on the mini map (or even in range of it).

    Aim - 4:50 with the pistol looks suspicious.


    Headshot % high across all weapons.


  5. Wrong An1k... playing like that is cancer for the game/server... it will drive people away... but nobody cares..

    If it were my server I'd put a K/D limit on it so gunner farmers would just be kicked automatically, like they do on official servers.

  6. Just let it go buddy.

    There will always be people who try to offend others as it gives them some form of pleasure. The only thing you can do is to not rise to it,  that way you deprive them of their reward.

  7. His name uses zeros btw - it's D0MIN0.

    I also think he's hacking, talks openly about using reshaders on night maps.. that sort of thing. Confessions on chat is not considered evidence as it's often just trolling.

    I could be wrong but I think since the recent cheat amnesty there has been a lot of suspicious players appear. 

    It also seems like Trahtor3418 has given up, last report was 18th Dec 2019.

  8. I think he's one to watch for now.

    I think he looks suspicious but I'm not an expert. Firestorm is not an infantry map, the players with a high K/D are usually just the good pilots. It's normally them who get the high K/D so early in the game too and they're usually top of the scoreboard.


  9. If you look at the scoreboard in the vid he moved up to 1st very quickly. It is very unusual for an infantry player to have such a high K/D on that map, and so soon in the game.

    The feeling I got was that he was using aim, every bullet seems to hit without fail.. that just doesn't happen at medium distance, unless he is pro player.

    Once his side dropped to about 400 tickets he quit, which meant that I couldn't collect anymore evidence.

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