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Everything posted by SharpSabre

  1. Nice Work ,, Please input Languages , Thanks .
  2. Problem Resolved by CYRUSGREAT It needed Latest ZUpdaterx32.dll . Thanks All.
  3. Folder Path : Q:\BF3_PC_Server_R38\ and it is not Read-Only .
  4. Bat file is opened and disappear ; "bf3.exe" listed in task Process list (task manager) for seconds .. I tested with bigworld12 hoster only launcher and no error found . I have "Team Viewer" program , if you can ok it , tell me Thanks .
  5. Hi , I have this problem too , server doesn't launch with no error messages ! how can i resolve it ? (after v7 i got this problem) .. Thanks.
  6. My server Can't Connect to Blaze Server . I think It after Connects will get destroy by Blaze Server . PB is disabled by this command in "BF3/Scripts/Win32Game.cfg" : -VeniceOnline.PunkBusterActivateServer false
  7. Hi , Why my Server is Banned , just and no others :) and Why Banning 2xp servers ? !!!
  8. My means, "Battlelog cache" is a Procon's Plugin and I am using Procon , can i ask them about our zlo's stats ? (And my server gone to unranked mode but it was ranked mode , maybe some plugins got conflict (by ProCon)?)
  9. Work on this : http://www.ezstats.org/
  10. :cry: so please share sources :crazy: or set a group to work with you :smoke: :zst:
  11. Hi, Can i Help you to add Farsi language (Persian) , it's about Iranian people.. and why you don't put Language out of your program :)
  12. and another question : I think stats will saved after changing map(or each round) ,, If is there a way to save each moments for stats ?
  13. See more here http://wiki.multiplay.co.uk/BF3_SERVER_OPTIONS thank you , and what is better to do ? all or stats ? and StartProfiling wasn't there link ! (it's a button at right bottom corner when server started)
  14. Hi , i have 2 questions : What is StartProfiling in BF3 Server ? What is different in selection stats mode : common , stats (selections : None , common , stats , both) I know stats but i don't understand common mode and also combine together that what will happen :) ..
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