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About Sisah

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  • Birthday 06/10/1985

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  1. i forgot .exe is not alowed rename your file to .zip or .jpg then upload it and it would be fine
  2. yes i hope :D my oldest file is 2 months old and link still working
  3. im using similar updater and using www.uploadhosting.co it have direct http link try that :) (you must register or your files get deleted after some time)
  4. http://i.imgur.com/KOcyTjL.jpg Now it show country and banner perfectly but got some error while updating first it showed me this then it downloaded cca 96 KB and crashed
  5. Can't wait to try new updater :) also please can you make somethink like "WEB" button to main screen with links to zlolog, zloemu.org, zlogames.ru forum and registration page? also any chance for mod menu? i think we have two mods some spectator mod and blue tint remover it would be nice feature if we can enable/disable them from your launcher :)
  6. tried despo launcher it show every country fine with beta 19 it show me country code only for chinese servers weird
  7. something is wrong with country it show "AQ" on most servers and server banner dont load if you open and close info window few times
  8. very nice but im stlill getting error on history
  9. Its just two pixel lower than back button and have two pixel smaller white box when you selct it :D
  10. So can we expect beta 17 today? :) please fix armored shield map name in filter and position of join button in info screen also can you add "show fps" to settings menu? and make a option to switch to LOG after clicking on join (until you made fancy loading screen :) )
  11. hmm if you dont want advanced features you can use zlolauncher or that russian launcher this one could be something like total main menu replacement :) also how gametracker get playernames from server? it would be nice to show players in info tab + some friendslist and invite to server features maybe with chat function :)
  12. launcher crash if i change windowed mode and it delete some settings from ConfigZL.dat do you add more stats in future? like weapons, vehicles etc.
  13. here is czech language pack http://www.sockshare.com/file/FAA56BA74A5B453D
  14. Please can you merge login.txt, settings.txt, fav.txt, hist.txt and filter.dat to one file? also what about making SP mission selection ? (if possible to launch SP mission throught commandline)
  15. nice solution to set language is to run ' __Instaler\Touchup.exe install -locale en_US -installpath "C:\Games\Battlefield 3" -autologging -startmenuicon=0 -desktopicon=0' just change en_US to your language and add corect path
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