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Posts posted by MariusD2

  1. Great. I got it working. Guess I wasn't awake and was doing stupid, haha


    "D:\Diablo Resurrected\ZClient.exe" "D:\Diablo Resurrected\D2R.exe" -mod basic-qol

    Works for me fine. Yeah!!!!!!
    @ cEEn86

    Edit: Be sure you run the game, then exit and run it again. Otherwise it won't toggle the mod or so.

  2. Dear reader,

    Last few days I found out I could play D2r via your client. Awesome! Then yesterday someone already released a mod for it. Similar I use with D2 Vanilla.

    Anyway, you've to use ''-mod basic-qol'' in the exe parameter to have it working. It seems I can't get it working. I tried to make an shortcut with said parameter and copy it into the Zclient.

    Even used the D:\ZClient\ZClient.exe" "D:\Games\D2R\D2R.exe" trick, but then with '-mod basic-qol' behind it, but it doesn't work as well

    Can someone help me figuring out how to make it work? Would love to have this mod working, so I can import my characters with ease without losing the expanded stash and such.


    Ps. Thank you for the awesome client!

    Source: https://github.com/cyhyraethz/d2r-basic-qol#installation

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