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Posts posted by aragorn2033

  1. 7 hours ago, HusseinAliM said:

    If you want to play BF3-BF4 multiplayer, then go and use launchers, zlorigin not needed for joining server.

    I didn't solve anything, the same error :( I downloaded the launcher but when I join a server I get the error from the origin, what should I do?

  2. Hi, I have problems with Origin, when I select the server It gives me the error: Message of the Day: Windows XP or Vista users: due to a security update, you need the newest version of the Origin client to continue. Please uninstall your current version then install the update available (using Chrome or Fierifox only) at www.origin.com .... How can I fix it? Can anyone help me?

  3. am incercat sa-mi fac alt cont, am facut vreo 3 email-uri :O si cand incercam sa intru in joc atunci cand trebuia sa introduc si in acea fereastra de la origin acelasi mail si pass de pe zlo nu-mi mergea si i-mi aparea ca am fost banat pe zlo, deci am facut mailurile degeaba... :)) acu am facut altul si amluat-o de la 0, cand am fost banat a fost aiurea ca eu nu fac hack, aveam in pc un program cheat engine care il folosisemla nus ce joc pt sgplayer, pt campanie, si n-am avut ce face si am facut si cu bf 3, a mers ceva, i-mi daduse speed mergeam ca nebunu prin joc :)) :O si n-a durat mult si ban pt 30 zile.. si.. na.. in fine.. nustiu daca se mai poate face ceva...  :(( jucasem ceva ca  eram la vultur si ma apropiam de final..  

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