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Posts posted by Deyt2003

  1. Good Morning, the question is what kind of Anti-DDoS are using?

    cloudflare this, if only you are attacked by domain, things change if the attack is ip, also would be good to change the SQL port of 3306 to another

    What kind of S.O use?

    Linux: You can work fail2ban + iptablet + APF + ddos brute stop +ddos deflator , ...

    Windows: Anti DDoS Guardian, Kiwi-Guard Firewall, Anti-DDoS by crazy .......

    there are lots of script antiddos / firewall


    also something good would see the attackers ip, if a large amount of an area biene "Chinese example" you can ban the country and ranges ip


    Translated with google


  2. Linux Servers are much cheaper.. most server hosters you must pay a fee of 10-30€ for the Windows License.. and most of the times the servers are expensive as fuck

    Totally agree

    In addition to a Windows server consumes more resources , than Linux , and is much less certain, whether to add the advantages of software


    A good machine, low consumption = Great servers, lag goodbye

    And if we get a linux launcher, consumption of wine is removed

     I'm sorry, the Google translation




    En primer lugar no puedo decirte, pero segundo sí. Puertos bloque doesnt vino .. sólo el equipo host

    Usted es Bienvenido a nuestro servidores Pruebe a su gusto , están para disfrutarlos , que mas le puedo decir? , esta en su casa

    You are welcome in our servers, tested and pass the taste, they are for all the Blogoversary


  4. dedicated servers are not virtualized, the screen is Remote Desktop, with the number of players per server is rare to have problems delay (lag)

    Has the advantage of saving a lot of memory, Windows wastes,

    RAM only need Linux.
    VirtualBox memory needs saving
    the memory needed saving windows

    among all the advantages it gives a linux S.O

    Although the last shot something consumption upgrade, and should start thinking about something bigger, that would be great pitcher and an executable that works for linux, consumption would drop much


  5. set INSTANCEDIRECTORY=%~dp0Instance

    set SERVERNAME=Name
    set GAMEPORT=25200
    set ADMINPASSWORD=Rconpass
    set ZLOGIN=use
    set ZPASS=pass
    set PINGSITE=ams
    set REGION=ES

    start bf3.exe -serverInstancePath "%INSTANCEDIRECTORY%" -Server.ServerName "%SERVERNAME%" -GamePort %GAMEPORT% -RemoteAdminPort %REMOTEADMINPORT% +admin.password "%ADMINPASSWORD%" -PingSite %PINGSITE% -Region %REGION% -zlogin %ZLOGIN% -zpass %ZPASS%


  6. Tested configuration and running today for Linux Servers


    Linux distributor = Ubuntu Server 12.04 "Precise Pangolin" LTS (64bits)

    Wine Version = Wine 1.7 or 1.7.18 (version 1.7.44 does not work well)

    Wine ddl-cfg = serverlinux.png



    Server Dedicated Server consumption


    Tested in other S.O

    With debian 7 = not working
    Ubuntu Server 14.04.3 LTS = server starts, but with new update, do not launch


    Recommended web procon = https://bfrcon.com/ Free

    Recommended web procon= no Free


    I hope to be helpful

  7. Hombre por Servidores Españoles no sera , nosotros tenemos 4 , lo que pasa o que bien juegas sin hablar , kitas el chat para ahorrarte leer llorones o te piras al Original , la verdad faltaria una buena comunidad española en estos lugares , a ver si nos vamos animamos unos cuantos y montamos algo bueno


    Hola gente, quiero saber a quien mas le pasa esto y si lo a logrado solucionar:




    (Como pueden ver en la foto las texturas pierden calidad. no se ve el arma y de ves en cuando el personaje se cae de la nada)


    Si lograste solucionar serias tan amable de ayudarme.




    Puedes mirar antes de cruzar para que no te pille el camion  :lol:


    Ahora enserio  , para el bug que desaparece el Arma solo tienes que dejar pulsado el boton del cuchillo , cuando este aparece , ya esta solucionado ,  hay otra opsion pero esa es la mas rapida



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