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watch?v=RcUTFK16eW8&feature=youtu.beIsnt this a blatant Multiacc hack? correct me if I'm wrong, I couldn't record our conversation but when asking him if the accounts were his he replied yes, so I'm guessing it is. just wanted to show you guys in case someone else reports him for the same thing. 


Edited by Singularity2
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42 минуты назад, Singularity2 сказал:

watch?v=RcUTFK16eW8&feature=youtu.beIsnt this a blatant Multiacc hack? correct me if I'm wrong, I couldn't record our conversation but when asking him if the accounts were his he replied yes, so I'm guessing it is. just wanted to show you guys in case someone else reports him for the same thing. 


you can have many acc - but if you will use cheats - you with all acc will be banned ok?

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